jessica jack
by on August 26, 2021
Choosing a school abroad
A major concern for families moving abroad is education for their children. Many are concerned that schools in the destination country may not be able to offer the same level of education that was previously available in the country of citizenship. Research is vital before moving abroad in order to make the best decision for your family.
Many countries around the world, particularly those with a high proportion of expatriates, have a number of international schools that use familiar models of education, such as the American, British or other systems. These schools generally follow the curriculum of their chosen model and teach in their mother tongue. A growing number of international schools follow the International Baccalaureate, which is accepted as entrance to universities around the world. International schools tend to be located in major cities around the world, although some are located in green spaces and these tend to offer boarding as an alternative to a long trip from home to school. Most good international schools offer a wide range of extracurricular activities that expand your child's education and provide new interests and hobbies.
In addition to the international school option, it is also possible to enroll your child in a local bilingual school. The advantages of this would be that your child will quickly develop new language skills and better assimilate into the local community. However, a downside would be that the bilingual school would likely follow a different system than your child is used to and there may be problems re-integrating into homeschool or college. An international school would be a safer option, although they tend to be more expensive than bilingual schools. While a school may describe itself as an international school, it is important to verify the nationalities of students based on role, as some international schools may have a student population made up almost entirely of local students. In these situations, foreign students can often feel isolated and unable to join the rest of the school community. click for more :point_right:
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