Harkesh kumar
by on September 20, 2021
We use many keyword research tools for the focus keyword of our ad or SEO. But one which is good and cheap is also the keyword planner of our google ads which gives us all the information related to our keyword whether it is the maximum or minimum bid. Whether or not the average monthly search or how much is the competition on any keyword. We can get all this information from the Keyword Planner of Google Ads. Apart from this, in another way, we can find out the keywords that are being searched for our intent from Google. Whenever we do some search in Google, Google gives us some keyword suggestions at the bottom of the result page. Which match our keywords exactly and people have searched them in Google. We all know that keyword research is the main part of any kind of Google ad. The keyword we use in any ad means whether the audience selected by us will search for that keyword. We cannot optimize any website effectively without knowing which keywords we should be targeting in our ads or website. We also use these paid keyword tools in our Digital Marketing Company Gurgaon. So that we can find good and effective keywords for the user
we need to know. Who is our customer or user?
Whenever we are looking for good keywords for any of our PPC campaigns. We should first know who our customer is, and what they want to find, and how we can reach them. And at the same time, it is also important to know how we communicate when they purchase any of their products/services. We need to know that our customer interacts with our business and what questions he is asking us during that time. Whether the question is before or after buying the product. We have to understand what our customer searches in Google and what things he is interested in. We should respect the feelings of our customers. By doing this we can sell any product or service to him in future also. we are the best online marketing consultant in Gurgaon.
Use Google Trends in Your PPC Ad
Google Trends is a free tool for everyone that gives us information about the trending points people are searching for on Google and YouTube. It gives us up-to-date keyword data to see which keywords are trending the most. By which we get to know what people like to watch more. We can easily get this information through the Google Trends tool. Using this, we can see how interested people are in your product or services. Then according to that, we will take out the best keywords from them for our PPC ad and they will go to the keyword planner of google ads and see how much is the monthly search and competition on it. And how many bids will we have to make for that?
We should keep in mind the keyword modifiers.
A keyword modifier is just some other word or group of words that we can add to a short-tail keyword and make a good keyword from it. We know that any long-tail keyword gets less traffic than short-tail keywords, but there is more competition. But there is less competition on short-tail keywords and they also rank quickly in Google. Big bloggers and companies that sell online products. Everyone uses the same strategy. Because whenever we select any long-tail keyword. Then our targeting audience also decreases. Because they are selected according to a particular location or any category.
Paid Keyword Research tools to check
If we want to increase any of our business, then we first have to do business like ourselves who do their business in the same category. We have to see this with any paid tool. From which keyword they rank their business. We can thoroughly test our competition on the Google Keyword Planner, and go to Google, search for each keyword, and open each result that appears.
But if we run a business, and we want to save some time for our business, then we should use a premium keyword tool.
Here we have some paid keyword planner tools that we can use to increase our keyword research experience and save our time.
This is a good tool that will help us to find even those keywords which we cannot find on Google Keyword Planner. It Will Helps to build a new list that is difficult to find on Google Keyword Planner.
Moz’s Keyword Analysis tool-
We will use this tool to analyze how much competition there is on the keyword or to analyze it. But we cannot find any new keyword by this.
Long Tail Pro-
This is a very good tool that finds many hidden keywords for us. It does not even have to cost any extra. This makes our keyword research experience even better.
This is also a good tool. people who are professional in SEO. This is not right for us until we know about other tools properly.
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