by on September 21, 2021


There has already been a lot of hype around how Google ranks a page on a search engine results page. And Google has been known to update its algorithms every once a while. The developers working at Google bring out new parameters as to how a page should rank on the Search Engine results page when someone searches for the page on Google.

In this blog, we are going to talk about Core Web Vitals that Google has recently launched a “Page experience” signal which evaluates the experience a web page provides, based on certain factors and parameters. Let us see what it is.


The “Page experience” signal defines how users look at the experience of interacting with a certain web page. Once all the factors are optimized, it enhances the user experience and makes it delightful for users across all the web browsers. Along with it, it helps site owners to work towards bettering user experience.

The page experience signal consists of the Core Web vitals along with the page metrics that are:

  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Safer web browsing
  • HTTPS Security
  • Intrusive Interstitial guidelines


You would wonder, what are core web vitals? Core web vitals that were introduced earlier this month are a set of parameters that define speed, responsiveness, and visual stability of a web page.

Google defined following as Core Web Vitals:

  • Largest Contentful Paint: It is the time taken by the web page’s content to load. An ideal LCP is 2.5 seconds or faster.
  • First Input Delay: It is the time taken by the web page to become interactive. An ideal measurement of this is less than 100 seconds.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift: Cumulative layout shift is the visual stability offered by a web page. It is an Unexpected Layout Shift of visual page content. Ideally, it should be less than 0.1.

These sets of metrics evolved to help the website owners to measure the user experience when it comes to content loading, user interaction, and visual stability.

As Google puts it,

“Core Web Vitals are a set of the real world, user-centered metrics that quantify the key aspects of the user experience. They measure the dimensions of web usability such as load time, interactivity, and the stability of content as it loads (So you don’t accidentally tap that button when it shifts under your finger – how annoying!)”

Core web vitals are subject to change depending on what users are expecting out of a page experience which may change with time. Google is bound to inform the audience if these metrics change.PAGE EXPERIENCE SIGNAL AND RANKING:

With these things in mind, Google has aimed to help the website owners to develop pages that users will enjoy visiting and interacting with. Hence, if Google thinks that a certain page is providing a better user experience, it may rank that page higher on its Search Engine Results Page. But that does not mean that the relevance of the content should be undermined. But, an optimized and plagiarism free content along with good user experience on your web pages may make you rank well in the search engine results page. This may make your business reach new heights of success.

A page experience signal can work as a tie-breaker (kind of)! This means that if two pages have relevant content, then the page with a stronger user experience is bound to rank higher among the two pages. So, you should not be obsessed with optimizing these signals as Google still offers a good rank to the page that has relevant content. Hence, care should be taken to have great content that can outrank the great page experience. EVALUATION OF PAGE EXPERIENCE:

So far, there haven’t been any specific tools that would measure the page experience. But it is possible to measure the individual elements that go into the creation of page experience signals.

  1. Measuring core web vitals: Site owners can use a variety of tools that Google provides such as Search Console, PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, Chrome DevTools, Chrome UX Report, etc. Soon, a Chrome plug-in will be made available in the Chrome browser to quickly evaluate the Core Web Vitals of the page that you are currently browsing. Google is said to be working with other third-party companies to bring Core Web Vitals to other tools.
  2. Measuring other user experience signals: Here is how SEO and web site owners can define the types of user experiences:
  3. Mobile-friendliness uses Google’s mobile-friendly test.
  4. Safer Browsing checks the Security Issues report in Search Console for any issues with safer browsing.
  5. HTTPS defines a lock symbol if the page is served over a secured HTTPS connection.


Google says that these changes will not be rolled out immediately but they will come out by next year. Google has committed to providing a minimum of 6 month’s notice before they roll out these updates. Read our other content on latest Industry updates and information.

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