Jeffrey Linda
by on September 28, 2021

Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to emerge in our mouth. Because they grow so late in one's life, normally, during one's adult life, they can cause immense pain and discomfort. Unfortunately in most cases, people do not have enough room in their already developed jaws for wisdom teeth. Since they try to accommodate by pushing the neighboring teeth, it leads to multiple problems.


Initially, it starts with slight pain and if left untreated the pain is transferred to your jaws and gums. In severe cases, especially if the wisdom tooth is pushing the jaws far too much, your dentist might also suggest a wisdom teeth removal procedure. However, if the teeth are impacted, you may need to undergo a surgical procedure.

What are the symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth?

When an impacted wisdom tooth becomes infected, damages other teeth, or causes other dental problems then you may experience some of these wisdom teeth symptoms or signs:

  1. Swollen or red gums
  2. Bleeding or tender gums
  3. Pain in the jaw
  4. Bad breath
  5. Unpleasant taste in your mouth
  6. You may face difficulty in opening your mouth
  7. You may also feel swelling around the jaw

What is Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

When there is not enough room for the wisdom tooth to emerge at the back of the mouth, they get impacted. This can cause not only pain but can also damage other teeth and lead to other dental problems. Sometimes they can become vulnerable over time and lead to gum disease and tooth decay even after they erupt without the initial pain. Oral surgeons often recommend removing impacted wisdom teeth so as to prevent serious complications in the future.


Though the wisdom teeth removal procedure is not at all complicated and can be completed within a few hours aftercare is very important. After you have undergone the procedure, what should you expect to do? How do you care for your oral hygiene and health after the tooth extraction? What are the dos and don'ts? Let's take a look.

What to Do On the Day of the Surgery?

You have to start being careful right from the day of the surgery. You may be given local anesthesia which will cause slight drowsiness though it is an outpatient surgery. After the extraction and surgery, a dentist near me will put you under observation for some time. You don’t need to worry about the blood you will feel in your mouth. You can start using an ice pack immediately to help with the pain and swelling. It is advisable to eat soft food that doesn’t require you to chew too much on the first day. 

Preparing for Long Term Recovery

At most, you are likely to take just three to four days to recover after tooth extraction. However if your wisdom tooth was impacted at an awkward angle, you may need about a week to fully recover. It is important that you take care of yourself for a few weeks even if you feel no wisdom tooth pain because you may develop an infection later.

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