Kenny Lo
by on September 29, 2021
Why Is My Cat Vomiting: Common Causes of Cat Vomiting

Most of the cat owners are familiar with this problem – my cat is vomiting. Cats can vomit due to multiple harmless reasons. However, you should not take this lightly because cat vomiting can also be a sign of a serious disorder or disease. This article will talk about the common reasons causing cat vomiting.

Common Causes of Cat Vomiting
Continue scrolling to understand the five possible reasons your cat is vomiting:

1. Cat Eating Too Quickly
If your cat is a fast eater, it may cause regurgitation. Hence, you should slow your cat down while eating. One of the ways of slowing down your cat is by feeding using a slow feed bowl or toy that is available in the market. Instead of using a normal cat bowl, you can also spread the cat food over a flat plate for your cat to move from bite to bite to decrease the speed of eating.

2. Food Poisoning
Like humans, a cat can also get food poisoning, even from human foods such as garlic, alcohol, chocolate, citrus fruits, and seasonings. These are harmful to cats, causing vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and even death if consumed excessively. You should always check if the food is appropriate for a cat’s eating before giving it to your cat.

3. Food Allergies
Cat is an obligate carnivore who will only thrive by consuming animal proteins. However, some cats can be allergic to certain types of protein such as beef and lamb. If you suspect your cat has a food allergy, an elimination test should be carried out with help from your vet.

4. Foreign Body Obstructions
Cats are often attracted to strings such as shoelaces, ribbons and, sewing thread. They love playing with these foreign bodies as if they are hunting the prey and, in the end, some cats might end up eating the item. Some of the foreign body may be able to pass through your cat’s digestive system with no problem at all, however, in some cases it may cause internal bleeding or obstruction in the digestive tracts.

5. Worms
The infection of worms can happen to any cat especially kittens. You may be able to see worms like roundworms and tapeworms in your cat’s vomiting or poop. The remedy for this is fairly easy, which is by feeding a dewormer to your cat.

Always observe your cat especially when there are signs of illness. If your cat has been vomiting for more than a day or more than twice in an hour, you should bring her to the vet for further diagnosis.
Posted in: Pets
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