by on October 11, 2021
💼 Moving Your Local Business Online: :busts_in_silhouette: The Ultimate Step By Step Guide | Speranza 💼
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the local traditional business impact a lot. So, it’s the best time for going digital with your online business solution. Even you are not much aware of how to set up an online business from scratch then also our step-by-step guide helps you a lot to start your online business. Please follow our ultimate step by step guide as mentioned below,
⚙️ Step 1: Create Responsive SEO-Friendly Website
SEO-friendly websites are very important to make sure that your online business can easily appear on the search engines and get more visibility towards potential customers. Also, it will help you to grow your brand value.
Nowadays around 60% of searches come from mobile devices. So, you must need a responsive custom design website that can be easily accessible from any device without any loading issue. Also, responsive high-speed websites bring a premium user experience for your customers.
⚙️ Step 2: Promote Online Business Across Social Media
After successful website creation, it’s time to focus on promotion throughout all social media platforms.
Facebook: Create a Facebook page with a specific category and start growing your business. It’s very important to add your contact details along with business information. So, other people can easily reach you.
YouTube: Just create a YouTube channel name with your business name and provide business information in the about section. Upload videos related to your business products and share those videos across other social media platforms.
Twitter: Create a Twitter page similar to Facebook with all your business details. Use relevant hashtags to reach more and more potential customers.
Instagram: Instagram is another popular social media platform where you can upload high-quality images related to your business along with sort videos.
⚙️ Step 3: Improve Website’s Ranking with Search Engine Optimization
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plays a big role when it comes to SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) ranking. An increase in SERP rankings not only unlocks your business’s ability to generate more traffic but also increases your brand value with business authenticity.
In the beginning, just start with on-page SEO because it’s very important to make sure that your site easily accessible by search engines without any issue. Sometimes making changes in your site structure, sitemap, and robot (robots.txt) configuration along with keyword enrich content to maximize your business reach towards potential customers.
After successful on-page SEO, it’s time to move towards off-page SEO. Create quality backlinks from top websites on your business domain which can help your website to rank higher in search results.
⚙️ Step 4: Local SEO with Google My Business
Google my business plays an important role in terms of local business authenticity and online reputation. Around 60-65 percent of people are looking for a local business online.
You can provide much useful information to your potential customers using google my business. Those are business address, opening hours, product information, short description, website link, social media platform links, and many more.
Google Reviews is the most important feature of it where other people can provide their personal opinion about their experience of using your products. More positive google reviews can help you to grow your business, as people start showing confidence about the quality of your products.
Questions and answers, also a great feature that helps you to interact with your customers and provide them with more valuable information about your business. It helps customers to solve their doubts before purchasing your products.
⚙️ Conclusion
If you will follow the above steps then you are good enough to move your local business online. Fast loading responsive website, social media promotion, search engine optimization, google business listing are very important to bring better user experience for customers and high revenue for your business. Let’s start your digital journey today and always feel free to contact us if you need any further help for moving your local business online.
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Topics: online business, seo
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