By: on March 22, 2021
Exclusive Interview with Mr. Hemanth Deshmukh & Mr. Ashwin Kumar - Access Infoway, Mumbai (Authorized Preferred Partner) “We are Bullish about Digital Transformation in the Business Communication market with Haloocom” – Says Mr. Hemanth Deshmukh, Access Infoway, Authorized Preferred Partner for Haloocom at Mumbai For over 20 years, Access Infoway has been servicing 100s of Clients day in & day out at Mumbai, from varied industries; be it Bollywood A list actors to large corporates or edu...
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By: on November 7, 2020
Business Communication importance The word “Communication” has come back from the Latin word “communist”, which implies common. Thus, communication signifies sharing of concepts in common. The wordbook that means of Business communication importance is to convey or exchange data and share concepts.  Communication is that the method of transmittal data and understanding from one person to a different or from one unit to alternative unit with a read to obtaining the required response from the re...
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