By: on December 16, 2020
Dragon Ball is one of the most successful anime franchises of all time, and it has had a massive impact on the industry. Produced by Toei Animation, the series has been around for decades now. It’s been an inspiration for video games, movies, action figures, and much more. The series has added new characters with every new arch, and it has consistently impressed the viewers. Every new character brings something new to the show, and the creators need to be appreciated for bringing unique storyl...
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By: on December 10, 2020
Saiyan is the most important race on Dragon Ball since they are featured throughout the series, and only the alien species manage to challenge them. They have many skills and powers that make them unique, but their most crucial ability comes into effect once they are on the verge of dying. The Saiyans frequently go past their previously thought limits, which makes them better than anyone else in combat. However, they are naturally fast and strong, but with the training, they become unbelievably ...
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By: on November 19, 2020
There are very few characters in anime and manga that are as kind-hearted and loving as Goku. He not only fights to protect his loved ones, but he does not hesitate to put his life on the line to protect the planet or even the entire universe. Although he is undoubtedly one of the kindest protagonists we have, it would be wrong to presume that he was always like this. The younger Goku was horrifying and was nothing like the grown-up Saiyan, who would sacrifice his life to protect others. He did ...
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