By: on August 23, 2021
Staying healthy is a goal we all would like to achieve and maintain and that too with Covid-19 here, here are some tips for you that you can adapt into your life easily, here you go:Take Proper rest:Rest, relax and enjoy your mental health can help youManage your sleep hours Boost creativity and keep your mind happy and refreshedImprove mood and keep your serotonin levels highGive your body the opportunity to recover from all the strain faced during the dayImproved focus, concentration and you g...
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By: on January 2, 2021
There are a handful of chemical disinfectants readily available in the market for domestic use and they are mostly made using chemicals and volatile organic compounds. Volatile Organic Compounds or VOC is a group of carbon-based chemicals. Common VOCs are acetone, benzene, ethylene glycol, etc. Breathing in low levels of VOCs for long periods may cause health problems to some people. Using chemical disinfectants at the right amount is not problematic but excessive usage can lead to some harmful...
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