By: on March 26, 2020
There’s been a lot of talk around concussions these days, especially around professional, college, and high school sports. But what about everyday guys who happen to find themselves with one? Can a hit in the noggin conk out your intimate life? As it turns out, it just might. Researchers at Harvard took a look at the connection that multiple studies had pointed out over the years and went to work to see if concussions really could affect male organ health. It turns out, they can. What is a ...
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By: on March 26, 2020
A lot is going on in a man's life once he hits his glorious thirties. His career is hitting its stride, he's likely made some big relationship decisions, he may have kids, and he may have traveled the world and done big things on a community level. However, one thing he may not have counted on encountering in his thirties is member dysfunction. This male organ problem, thought to only happen to older men, is actually quite common in younger men as well. Let’s talk about member dysfunction, why...
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By: on March 19, 2020
Bad breath in the bedroom may not be your only problem if you have gum disease, your male organ may fail you, too. Studies show that men in their 30s are 3 times more likely to have difficulty getting hard-ons if they have gum disease. How could they possibly be related? When a man gets that sensual feeling, his healthy blood vessels naturally expand to increase blood flow throughout the body, a process known as vasodilation. However, when blood vessels are degraded by dirty mouths, it reduces d...
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By: on November 27, 2019
The mood is set, and you’ve got the woman of your dreams anxiously awaiting her ticket to the Big Show. Candles lit, Barry White is on, and your junk is, well, junk. Your star player is being called to the Big Leagues, and he’s pulling a no-show. Instead of a Louisville Slugger in your shorts, there’s a weak hotdog even the most frugal vendor wouldn’t sell. So what gives? Before panic sets in, take a knee and regroup. There are plenty of harmless reasons a man can find himself with a ...
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By: on November 18, 2019
It’s not crazy to think that most people will have a sensual problem of some type at some point in their lives. However, certain disease states come with an extra side of sensual complications, and diabetes is one of them. Diabetes and male organ health are inextricably linked, most notably when it comes to member function. Why is that? When a man has high sugar levels for a prolonged period, it can damage the blood vessels and nerves, especially the ones that deliver boner-boosting blood t...
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By: on November 6, 2019
It’s become pretty common knowledge that men between the ages of 40 and 70 have experienced some form of member dysfunction. However, most people assume that it has to do with the aging process. While aging definitely impacts tumescence function, it isn’t as cut and dry as some believe. In fact, more and more studies are showing a strong link between member dysfunction and severe health conditions. The getting or maintaining of a hard-on can often be a clue that there is something else going...
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By: on October 29, 2019
Male organ lost a little of its lightning? Shockwaves could be the answer to the member dysfunction problem. This still very new treatment was first tested in 2010 and has grown in popularity steadily since. Some herald this treatment as a savior for men suffering from a loss of sensitivity in their male organ. Others say it’s merely a placebo effect. Who’s right? Let’s take a look. Member Dysfunction: Established Treatment Methods Twenty years ago, the FDA approved the little blue t...
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By: on October 19, 2019
It’s hard to believe that marijuana is now legal, in some form, in 33 states in the Union. According to studies conducted in 2017, nearly 37 million people use marijuana in some form. It’s becoming more and more common. Like any substance, it has side effects over time, and there is a direct impact from using it. One direct impact that is currently in question is its general sensual effects on men and women, specifically, member dysfunction in men. While the conclusions are skewed, let’s e...
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By: on October 11, 2019
Member dysfunction (MD), is a typical male organ problem for men, and it can affect men in many different ways. MD is the inability to achieve or maintain a hard-on. A host of things can cause it. The root can be physical, such as issues with low androgen levels, heart disease, or obesity. Psychological issues like depression, performance anxiety, or sensual trauma can cause a temporary or permanent hard-on hiatus. Even emotional issues like relationship problems can cause a man’s love dart to...
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By: on September 11, 2019
Cycling is one of the best ways to get regular exercise, and that’s good for a man’s health. That said, cyclists are at risk when it comes to male organ health. Some researchers are pointing to evidence that cycling (and spinning is included here) is a potential cause of member dysfunction. So, are all those miles a man does every day taking a toll on his intimate life? Let’s find out. What Is Member Dysfunction? First, let’s define member dysfunction. Member dysfunction is actuall...
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