By: on May 8, 2021
According to the results of the study published in the RCOG-Coronavirus (#COVID19) Infection in Pregnancy booklet, pregnant women are not at increased risk of contracting the coronavirus. However, they should not lose their vigilance. Coronavirus and pregnancy - what should you remember? Coronavirus and pregnancy - is there anything to fear? Although studies have not shown a greater risk of contracting coronavirus in pregnant women, it cannot be ignored that there are changes in the immune...
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By: on January 5, 2021
Most of today's prisons were built at a time when the public safety strategy was to “lock 'em and throw away the key. Now that there is an increasing interest from politicians and the public to help incarcerated people to be successful after their release, legislators have to revise the reality of the prison experience and the false assumptions of the previous era. Despite the breadth of research showing that visiting and maintaining family ties are some of the best ways to reduce recidivism,...
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