By: on September 24, 2021
What is HPV ? The most prevalent sexually transmitted infection is human papillomavirus (HPV) (STI). HPV is not the same virus as HIV or HSV (herpes). In 2018, around 43 million people were infected with HPV, the majority of them were in their late teens and early twenties. HPV comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some forms, such as genital warts and malignancies, can cause health issues. Vaccines, on the other hand, can prevent certain health concerns from occurring. There are many differ...
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By: on January 19, 2020
Oh, no – not an itchy male organ. All men know what that means – deciding between resisting the urge to scratch (which keeps a guy from concentrating on whatever he should be focusing on) or going ahead and scratching (and running the risk of being caught looking like he’s fondling his member). Any itchy male organ is a problem, but when scabies are responsible, it becomes a genuine male organ health issue. Knowing about scabies – or, more importantly, what to do about them – is useful...
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