We offer garage door repair and installation. Same day service and satisfaction guaranteed! If you need garage door repair Scranton PA then do not hesitate to call. We can take care of all of your garage door repair needs. From spring repair to track replacement, we do it all. We do complete overhauls and replacements. We offer safety inspections and will ensure that your garage door is working properly. We’re ready to schedule you for your garage door installation. How much easier will your life be when you can press the button on your opener and casually coast out of your garage every day? Think about those times you didn’t feel like opening your garage when you got home, and then your car got snowed on that night. All of that will be much better when you get a quality garage door that is installed to the highest standards!
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Address - 1610 Pittston Ave, Storefront, Scranton, PA, 18505, United States
Phone - 570-877-8595
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