#Common #childhoodillnesses and #whocanhelpyou #dealwiththem
Common childhood illnesses and who can help you deal with them
Common childhood illnesses and who can help you deal with them Being a mother for the first time is no easy task, especially when it comes to newborn care. Young infants are unable
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#Common #Mistakes to #Avoid #WhenTaking #Gold #Loan
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Taking Gold Loan
Blog on anjaliksaxena.pages10.com
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#6most #common #ENT #issues #inchildren
6 most common ENT issues in children
6 most common ENT issues in children ENT is a widely known term and is abbreviated as the ears, nose, and throat. Pediatric otolaryngologists at a children’s hospitals are ENT spec
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6 #most #common #ENT #issues in #children
6 most common ENT issues in children
ENT is a widely known term and is abbreviated as the ears, nose, and throat. Pediatric otolaryngologists at a children’s hospitals are ENT specialists specifically trained in dealing with...
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5 #common #complications #towatchoutfor #during #pregnancy
5 common complications to watch out for during pregnancy
The first and second trimester is a very crucial duration of pregnancy. Apart from a little vaginal bleeding and cramps, there is a possibility that you may face some complications during pregnancy.Fo
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5 #Common #mistakes that #leadto #neck #pain
5 Common mistakes that lead to neck pain
Neck pain or stiff neck has become a common problem especially if your job needs you to seat in front of a screen for 8-10 hours. Whenever you feel neck pain symptoms no doubt you will turn to your fa
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5 #Common #Kidney #Diseases Found in #Children
5 Common Kidney Diseases Found in Children
5 Common Kidney Diseases Found in Children Kidney diseases in children can be both long term and short term in nature. The organs might not develop as they should, leading to medic
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#Whatarethe #Common #Pediatric #Surgeries?
What are the Common Pediatric Surgeries?
From 2000 to 2015, a period also known as the Millennium Development Goal period, saw a significant decline in the child mortality rate. The global under-5 mortality rate declined 3.8% from 2000 to 20
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