Dr vikram chauhan
shared a video
Ayurvedic Treatment for Liver Cirrhosis, Fatty Liver & Elevated Liver Enzymes
Liver cirrhosis is a late stage of scarring of the liver. The liver is injured whether by disease, excessive alcohol consumption, or another cause. In short, this is an end-stage liver disease. In this video, one of our patients is suffering from liver cirrhosis. He visited one of the allopathic hospitals, they prescribed him Fibroscan and in FibroScan his median stiffness is 49 kPa. Then he took some allopathic medicines for his concern but when he repeated his FibroScan his median stiffness increases to 53 kPa. Then one day he came to know about Planet Ayurveda. He took online video consultation with Dr. Vikram Chauhan. After 80 days he again did FibroScan and he got the miraculous result. His FibroScan report comes 7.7 KPa.
Read more:- https://www.planetayurveda.com/library/liver-cirrhosis/
Liver Cirrhosis Testimonials Playlist :- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGmfXKdqKSj288uJMmd-GR_bAZGgZwHp2
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#LiverCirrhosis #LiverScarring #LiverStiffness #FibroScan #AyurvedicTreatment #FattyLiver #LiverFibrosis #ElevatedLiverEnzymes #LiverHealth #LiverDisease #PlanetAyurvedaReviews
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