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#santenaturelle #bienetre #sant #naturopathie #sante #naturopathe #bienetreaunaturel #nature #naturelle #prendresoindesoi #alimentationsaine #bio #bien #huilesessentielles #tre #medecinedouce #nutrition #naturel #rapie #plantesmedicinales #r #phytotherapie #santementale #aromatherapie #developpementpersonnel #healthylifestyle #relaxation #healthy #fitness #bhfyp
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#magnetiseur #bienetre #magnetisme #energie #meditation #amour #reiki #energetique #developpementpersonnel #spiritualite #guidance #guerison #magn #gratitude #soinenergetique #pleineconscience #energeticienne #energeticien #m #eveil #zen #loidelattraction #sagesse #univers #spiritualit #therapeute #medium #guerisseur #instantpresent #bhfyp
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#magnetisme #bienetre #spiritualit #developpementpersonnel #reiki #energie #meditation #magn #tisme #amour #soinenergetique #guidance #gratitude #lithotherapie #spiritualite #medium #energiepositive #oracle #magnetiseur #pleineconscience #chakras #voyance #esoterisme #bienveillance #eveilspirituel #zen #cartomancie #m #paixinterieure #bhfyp
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#kinesiologie #kinesiologue #kin #kinesiology #bienetre #developpementpersonnel #kinesio #therapie #physiotherapie #energie #reiki #massage #coaching #t #fitness #k #health #siologie #bonheur #osteopathie #coachingdevie #physio #healthy #coachdevie #siologue #kinesiologist #corps #coachingnice #touchforhealth #bhfyp
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Luxurious shiatsu massage chair with automatic body detection to relieve body stiffness - LI5001
Lixo Massage Chair - LI5001 is a luxurious product. Combined with a strategically-positioned system of airbags and automatic body detection. Targets every part of the body with pinpoint accuracy to relieve specific stiffness and relaxation points. Imitating Zero Gravity Massage chair of NASA. Various human massage techniques - pressing, reflexology, Pummel, Waveletknock, air-pressure, vibration-roller & spiral. Get pain relief for home/office use with full body,special relife for legs.
Automatically detect the position of the height by advanced OPTO sensor. Each Automatic mode with different features designed for the individual requirement as Recovery, Extend, Relax, Refresh, Upper Body Auto, And Lower Body Auto. Each Manual mode with different features designed as Kneading, Tapping, Knocking, #Shiatsu, Sync, and Rhythm Massage. Whole-body air pressure massage recliner machine.
Auto-detect function confirms the massage range according to the body height. Airbags provide air pressure for shoulder, wrist, arm, butt, calf, and foot. Included Detachable Headrest & Back Cushion. USB charging, MP3 music with speaker. Four wheels massage mechanism for more stable & comfort. Auto-massage programs inspired by our wellness experts.
Automatic & Manual shoulder position adjusting option. Automatic & Manual adjustment of Back Incline & Recline. Automatic & Manual adjustment of Back Massage Part (Whole, Partial and point massage), Back Massage Width (Wide, Medium and Narrow) and Massage Speed (level 1 to 6 massage intensity). Automatic & Manual adjustment of Foot roller speed from level 1 to 3. Cutting edge technology of OPTO sensor for accurately detecting your shoulder.
WARRANTY: 3 Years On-Site Doorstep Warranty (2 Years On-Site Warranty + 1 Year On-Site Extended Free Warranty) for personal use only. 1 Year On-Site Doorstep Warranty for the commercial use. Highest Warranty in the industry ever. AMC available. Removable leg Polycotton Fabric (Skin Friendly) materials for an easy wash. A revolution in the #massagechair with the latest technology. A perfect gift for your loved ones.
Packing Dimension(cm): Massager - 149 x 83 x 88
Legs - 59 x 46.5 x 53.5
Upright Size(cm): 150 × 78 × 114
Reclined Size(cm): 178 × 78 × 80
Net Weight: 106 (Kg)
Gross Weight: 129 (Kg)
Rated Voltage: 220 V
Rated Frequency: 50 Hz
Rated Power: 130 Watts
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Toll Free! 1800 3000 2006
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Hybrid & supreme Massage lounger with state of the art design and artificial intelligence - LI7001
The Lixo Massage Chair - LI7001 is a Supreme Hybrid Massage Lounger. 30 plus Innovative massage techniques - The ultimate massage experience for an active life for home full body recliner, HybriFlex - the innovative bendable flexible massage track, FullBodyReach - Multistroke 6-Roller System. Synchronized Massage Experience. Deep Tissue Massage Mechanism - Pinpoint shoulder positioning technology, deep tissue massage, Shoulder pressing massage, Pushing-up massage for back.
Artificial Intelligence Double Sensing System - Precise body detection, Better signal acquisition, Intelligent algorithm, Dual-core system for full body pain relief. Elaborately Designed Massage Programs. High-end configuration - Super flexible track, Graphene ultrafast heat up, One press control sliding wall hugger design, Bi-direction stretch patented footrest. Upgraded Controls - Armrest quick control buttons, Touch screen controller, Wireless charge technology, Surrounding stereo speaker.
#Premium #Zerogravitymassagechair is equipped with various types of massages. Automatically detect the position of the height. Every automatic mode in the chair has different features designed for various requirements such as Thai Stretch, Deep Shiatsu, Light Stretch, Royal Treatment, Waist & Hip, Morning Buzz, Refreshing Nap, Sweet Dreams, Stress Relief, Gentle Care, Neck & Shoulder and Back & Spine. Manual massage technique as Kneading, Tapping, #Shiatsu, Sync, Knocking and 3D Shiatsu.
Unique, high-class and extravagant massage chair unlike any other in the world. Body Stretching - Spine invert stretching mimics yoga body stretch. Dual-core system - pristine massage for much-needed areas like the neck, shoulder, back, and waist, feels like four-hand human massage. Massage intensity adjustment - can be adjusted based on the degree of intensity for pressure level. Knee Massage - Unique movable upper leg part for knee vehement massage. Adjustable heating therapy.
WARRANTY: 5 Years On-Site Doorstep Warranty (3 Years On-Site Warranty + 2 Years On-Site Extended Free Warranty) for personal use only. Massage Chair accessories (Tab Controller) with 1-year warranty only. Highest Warranty in the industry ever. AMC available. Detachable Headrest, Back & Seat Cushion. Removable hand and leg Polycotton Fabric (Skin Friendly) materials for an easy clean. A revolution in the #massagechair with the latest technology | A perfect gift for your loved ones.
Packing Dimension(cm): Massager - 160 x 85 x 88.5
Armrest - 120 x 37 x 70
Legs - 56 x 54 x 61
Upright Size(cm): 170 x 85 x 125
Reclined Size(cm): 205.5 x 85 x 83
Net Weight: 116.4 + 28.3 + 23.1 (Kg)
Gross Weight: 140 + 34 + 30 (Kg)
Rated Voltage: 220 V
Rated Frequency: 50 Hz
Rated Power: 180W
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Toll Free! 1800 3000 2006
Paytm Mall:
Leave a comment on this video and it'll get a response. ​Or you can connect with me on different social platforms too:
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lixohealthcare
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lixohealthcareequipments
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/lixohealthcare
• Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lixohealthcare
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Luxury and premium Shiatsu/Full body/Zero gravity massage chairs from Lixo - LI6001B
The Lixo Massage Chair - LI6001B is so lavish and comfortable. This model of the automatic massage chair recliner is unique with a lot of technological advancement for home full body. The 3D movement, Human-hand feeling Three-Dimensional in-depth Pressing, Shiatsu, Tapping, Kneading, Reflexology, Air pressure massage, and Combination massage. Feel the divine stress-relieving full body massage after a long day at work. Perfect omnidirectional stretch for pain relief unlike any other in the world.
#Premium #Zerogravity #Massagechair is equipped with various types of massages. Automatically detect the position of the height. Every mode in the chair has different features designed for various requirements such as Boss Nursing, Queen Slimming, Soul Spa, Sports Refresh, Elite Care, Extension, Rest & Sleep, Working Relief, Neck & Shoulder, Waist & Spine, Deep #Shiatsu Massage, Healthy Breath, Massage Extend, Force-3D protruding intensity, Part-3D massage part (Whole, Partial and Point massage).
The chair is crafted with an L-body shaped design which can give a human touch, automatic massage from neck to the toe. Heating is provided to reduce the stress and feel warmth. Built-in Bluetooth Speakers - Pair the chair with any Bluetooth-compatible device and listen to Surround stereo sounds like a wave of streaming audio. Slide structure design allows the massage chair to rest close to the wall, helps save at least 20% space taken.An experience beyond the dimension.
Automatic & Manual shoulder position adjusting option. Automatic & Manual adjustment of Back Incline & Recline, Footrest Extend & Retract. Automatic & Manual adjustment of Back Massage PART (Whole, Partial and point massage), Back Massage WIDTH (Wide, Medium and Narrow) and Massage SPEED (level 1 to 6 massage intensity). Automatic & Manual adjustment of Foot roller speed with level 1 to 3. Cutting edge technology of OPTO sensor for accurately detecting your shoulder.
WARRANTY: 5 Years On-Site Doorstep Warranty (3 Years On-Site Warranty + 2 Years On-Site Extended Free Warranty) for personal use only. 1 Year On-Site Doorstep Warranty for commercial use. Highest Warranty in the industry ever. AMC available. Detachable Headrest, Back & seat cushion. Removable hand Polycotton Fabric (Skin Friendly) material for easy wash. Lixo mobile App is available for controlling the functionalities and operations. A perfect gift for your loved ones.
Packing Dimension(cm): Massager - 171 x 85 x 90
Armrest - 102 x 41 x 62.5
Legs - 63 x 60 x 64
Upright Size(cm): 155 x 85 x 120
Reclined Size(cm): 200 x 85 x 99
Net Weight: 152 (Kg)
Gross Weight: 179 (Kg)
Rated Voltage: 220 V
Rated Frequency: 50 Hz
Rated Power: 180W
Buy online
Toll Free! 1800 3000 2006
Paytm Mall:
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• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lixohealthcare
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lixohealthcareequipments
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• Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lixohealthcare
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