Dr vikram chauhan
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Ulcerative Colitis Reversal with Ayurvedic remedies
✔ - Herbalremedies123@yahoo.com, (+91)-172-521-4030
Ulcerative colitis is an idiopathic chronic inflammatory disease that causes ulceration and inflammation of the inner lining of the colon and rectum which symptoms include diarrhea, rectal bleeding, mucus in stool, abdominal pain, weight loss, etc. In modern medicine, there is no permanent cure for this disease, only its symptoms can be reduced by using antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and steroids which have their own side effects. In Ayurveda, it is correlated with Raktatisara or Pittaja Grahani and is managed by using effective herbal formulations, modifying lifestyle, and diet. Ayurvedic formulations have better effective results in Ulcerative colitis without any side effects.
#UlcerativeColitis #ulcerativecolitisawareness #ayurvedictreatment
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Dr vikram chauhan
shared a video
Ulcerative Colitis Reversal with Ayurvedic remedies
✔ - Herbalremedies123@yahoo.com, (+91)-172-521-4030
Ulcerative colitis is an idiopathic chronic inflammatory disease that causes ulceration and inflammation of the inner lining of the colon and rectum which symptoms include diarrhea, rectal bleeding, mucus in stool, abdominal pain, weight loss, etc. In modern medicine, there is no permanent cure for this disease, only its symptoms can be reduced by using antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and steroids which have their own side effects. In Ayurveda, it is correlated with Raktatisara or Pittaja Grahani and is managed by using effective herbal formulations, modifying lifestyle, and diet. Ayurvedic formulations have better effective results in Ulcerative colitis without any side effects.
#UlcerativeColitis #ulcerativecolitisawareness #ayurvedictreatment
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