Chaturbhuja Blessing Ganapati Brass Statue @exoticindiaart
This brilliant god Lord Ganesha brass-statue of the elephant head, exceptional in its lustre and magnificent in its beauty, represents him, ... View MoreChaturbhuja Blessing Ganapati Brass Statue @exoticindiaart
This brilliant god Lord Ganesha brass-statue of the elephant head, exceptional in its lustre and magnificent in its beauty, represents him, though not without some variations, in his Kshipra Ganapati manifestation, the red hued Lord quick in acting upon a prayer. Though not one of the earliest eight forms that texts perceived as prevailing over eight demons, symbolic of eight demonic natures in man or eight basic human weaknesses, Kshipra Ganapati is one of his thirty-two forms under which the early Puranas classified him.
Chaturbhujdhari Ganesha:
Ganesha Statues:
Hindu God:
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