Infusion Oxyjet - Aesthetic Treatment for Acne, Lines and Wrinkles | Learning Joan
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Infusion Oxyjet - Aesthetic Treatment for Acne, Lines and Wrinkles
Infusion Oxyjet is a medical aesthetic treatment that can help various skin problems, including acne, lines, and wrinkles.
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Dr vikram chauhan
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Permanent Solution for Ulcerative Colitis at Planet Ayurveda - Herbs and Diet
Ulcerative colitis is an idiopathic chronic inflammatory disease that causes inflammation and ulceration of the inner lining of the colon and rectum the symptoms of UC include - diarrhea, rectal bleeding, mucus in stool, abdominal pain, and weight loss, etc. It is a chronic and long-term condition and the exact cause of this disease is not known. In modern medicine, this disease is included under Auto-immune disorders and there is no cure for this disease, only its symptoms can be reduced by using antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, Immunosuppressant drugs, and steroids for lifelong, which have side effects of their own.
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Dr vikram chauhan
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Real Story of Ulcerative colitis Patient - Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Ulcerative colitis is an idiopathic chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines. It causes ulceration and inflammation of the inner lining of the colon and rectum. The symptoms include diarrhea, rectal bleeding, mucus in stool, abdominal pain, weight loss, etc. In modern medicine, there is no permanent cure for this disease, only symptomatic management available. In Ayurveda, this disease is managed well. In this video, this patient came here for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. He took many allopathic medicines but did not get proper relief. At the end he came here for Ayurvedic treatment and is managed by using effective herbal formulations, modifying lifestyle, and diet. Ayurvedic formulations have better effective results in ulcerative colitis without any side effects.
Know more:- https://www.planetayurveda.com/library/ulcerative-colitis/
Ulcerative Colitis Testimonials Playlist :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt7SEpXpDBI&list=PLGmfXKdqKSj0NxfJXdS2idP8C5zmAeQtI
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Dr vikram chauhan
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Permanent Solution of Ulcerative Colitis in Ayurveda - Real Testimonial
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes ulcers in the large intestines. This disease mainly affects the colon and rectum part of the large intestines. The symptoms include diarrhea, blood and mucus mixed stool, bloating, abdominal pain, etc.
In modern medicine, the treatment of choice is immunosupprasants because they thought that this disease is an autoimmune disorder. But in Ayurveda, there are better treatment protocols for Ulcerative colitis. The cause of this disease is Aama dosha (Endotoxins) in Ayurvedic perspective. The Ayurvedic herbs and herbal products work on digesting this Aama and balancing immunity of the patients and also Ayurveda manages all the disease from its root cause by balancing vata, pitta and kapha dosha.
Know more:- https://www.planetayurveda.com/library/ulcerative-colitis/
Ulcerative Colitis Testimonials Playlist :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt7SEpXpDBI&list=PLGmfXKdqKSj0NxfJXdS2idP8C5zmAeQtI
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Dr vikram chauhan
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Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Ulcerative Colitis Treatment
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation in the intestines and also ulcers are formed inside the intestine lumen. It basically affects the innermost lining of the large intestines that is colon and rectum. The most common reason for this disease is the formation of Aama (endotoxins) in the gut. This Aama dosha hampers the proper functioning of the immune system. in this disease people suffer from loose motion, blood and mucus mixed stools, indigestion, acidity, rectal pain or itching, weight loss, cramping. In this video, one of our patients was suffering from ulcerative patient for 10 years. She took treatment from Planet Ayurveda for 2 years. Now she is completely fine and free from medicines.
Read more:- https://www.planetayurveda.com/library/ulcerative-colitis/
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Dr vikram chauhan
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How to Heal Ulcerative Colitis Naturally - Patient Review & Case Study
Ulcerative colitis is a condition which can not be cured according to the modern science. According to allopathic practitioners a patient diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis has to spend his or her whole life on varying doses of drugs which are toxic for the body. But Ayurveda believes that every condition, even Ulcerative colitis is the result of imbalanced doshas of body and the best treatment is to balance the imbalanced dosha. For this use of various herbs is being described in classical Ayurvedic texts and along with some peculiar alterations in diet which plays a very major role in treating not only Ulcerative colitis but many other disorders.
Read more:- https://www.planetayurveda.com/library/ulcerative-colitis/
Ulcerative Colitis Testimonials Playlist :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt7SEpXpDBI&list=PLGmfXKdqKSj0NxfJXdS2idP8C5zmAeQtI
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Dr vikram chauhan
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Natural Cure of Ulcerative Colitis and Colitis - Real Feedback
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes long-lasting inflammation and ulcers (sores) in your digestive tract. Ulcerative colitis affects the innermost lining of your large intestine (colon) and rectum. Symptoms usually develop over time, rather than suddenly.
The symptoms are severe pain in the abdomen, blood in stools, and diarrhea. Anemia is seen due to decreased healthy red blood cells as a consequence of bleeding in stools.
According to Ayurveda, Ulcerative colitis disease can be correlated to ‘Amajanya Pittaatisaar and Raktatisaar diseases. Ayurveda has the potential to give the patient a life free from painful symptoms or flares without the use of steroids and immunosuppressants.
Planet Ayurveda offers Ulcerative Colitis Care Pack which consists of four Herbal Medicines - Arjuna Capsules, Pitta Balance, Vatsakadi Churna and Kutajghan Vati. These herbal remedies are prepared from the best quality herbs and very helpful in treating Ulcerative colitis naturally.
Read More:- https://www.planetayurveda.com/library/ulcerative-colitis/
#ulcerativecolitis #ibd #ayurveda #ayurvedictreatment #herbalremedies #treatulcerativecolitis
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Dr vikram chauhan
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Ayurvedic Treatment and Diet for IBD and Colitis
IBD means inflammatory bowel disease. In this disease, there is a prolonged inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract due to numerous reasons. Here is the patient who was suffering from this disease and so much tense. He took allopathic treatment but got no relief. Then he came to know about Planet Ayurveda and consulted Dr. Vikarm Chauhan. The best thing is he got relieved within 2 months and his weight is also increased by having Weight Gain Formula and Nourish Maxx Powder. He followed a strict diet as told by Dr. Chauhan and changes his lifestyle a bit along with recommended herbal formulations.
Check Website - https://www.planetayurveda.com
For the patients in Europe, they can check https://www.planetayurveda.eu/
#ibd #inflammatoryboweldisease #crohnsdisease #ulcerativecolitis #colitis #weightgain #ayurvedictreatment #ibddiet
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Dr vikram chauhan
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Ulcerative Colitis Treatment in Delhi with Herbal Remedies and Diet
Mr. Rajkumar Sharma from Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh was diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis in 2017. He was suffering from symptoms like increased frequency of stool from 2016 but was not properly diagnosed. He was correctly diagnosed in 2017 after endoscopy and was on Mesacol 1200 mg thrice a day. His symptoms were still at their peak, he had to pass stool on an average of 10-20 times a day and was really worried about his condition. Rajkumar visited many renowned Gastroenterologists and Hospitals but saw no improvement in his condition. Modern physicians told him that he has to live with this condition and Mesacol will continue for life long. He came in contact with Planet Ayurveda in 2020. He has his first appointment in June 2020 with Dr. Vikram Chauhan. After taking medication and following a diet chart for 6-7 months his condition is completely fine.
Check Our Website:- https://www.PlanetAyurveda.com
#ulcerativecolitis #IBD #delhi #ayurvedictreatment #alternativetreatment #herbal #cure #ayurveda
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