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Combined Translational & Rotational Motion | NEET 11th Physics | by Nm sir Etoosindia
NM Sir has taught more than 20000 students over these years. With his impeccable techniques and brilliant notes, he has helped several students on their path to success. With his guidance, motivation and support students have been able to secure AIR 6, 7, 24, 48 & many more.
NEET Study Package in pure English : https://bit.ly/3u0Hhtv
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NEET Time Saver Course for Droppers : https://bit.ly/neet-dropper-tsc
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Krati Saraswat
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Maxwell’s distribution Curve | Rapid Revision Course | Physical Chemistry | PS Sir | Etoosindia NEET
The Maxwell-Boltzmann equation, which forms the basis of the kinetic theory of gases, defines the distribution of speeds for a gas at a certain temperature. From this distribution function, the most probable speed, the average speed, and the root-mean-square speed can be derived.
About the Faculty: Prince Singh sir is an alumnus of MNIT Jaipur. He has teaching experience of more than 10 years and has taught over 20,000 students out of which 1500 got qualified in JEE & NEET. He believes that every student is different and has different abilities.
NEET 2022 Rapid Revision Course: https://bit.ly/neet-2022-rrc
Fill in your details to Enroll for NEET RRC: https://forms.gle/prBxDU5JJzCgSJxBA
Contact: +91 9214233303 | 43
Molecular speeds | Maxwell Distribution Curve | Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution | Maxwell Distribution Graph | Maxwell Speed Distribution Law | Maxwell Distribution Curve Formula | Derivation Of Maxwell Equation | Root Mean Square Velocity | Root Mean Square Velocity And Average Velocity | Root Mean Square Velocity Derivation
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EtoosIndia is India's No. 1 Online Coaching aimed to help NEET aspirants acquire the skills and knowledge. The channel will assist you in developing a strategy for understanding the NEET question paper, memorizing every detail of all subjects, and constructing a study regimen that will enable you to confidently prepare for the exam. Our EtoosIndia experts are committed to offering the best NEET preparation advice by fully comprehending the vital requirements of students hoping to pass the entrance exam.
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Krati Saraswat
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Reagents In Organic Chemistry JEE | Reagents in Organic Chemistry NEET | Organic Chemistry Reagents And Their Functions | Reagents In Organic Chemistry Reactions | How To Learn Reagents In Organic Chemistry | Organic Chemistry Reagents Guide | Reagents In
Message from NJ Sir : Dear Students, Reagent Chemistry is very important for competitive examination. Don't miss any reagent.
Contact: +91 9214233303 | 43
Download Summary pdf : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sEG0pthb2MGW7bSclJyxsDXq0-rKlYwe/view?usp=sharing
Topics Covered in the video:
00:00 : Recap
00:08 : Friedel-craft Alkylation
00:48 : Nitration
01:43 : Gattermann Koch reaction
02:59 : Gattermann aldehyde reaction
03:54 : Dehydrating agent
04:50 : Na metal
06:24 : NaOH
08:05 : Sodamide
09:31 : NaHCO3
10:49 : Haloform & Hoffmann bromamide reaction
12:24 : Gabriel phthalimide synthesis
14:59 : SeO2
15:47 : Formation of cyanohydrin
17:24 : Semicarbazide
18:53 : NaHSO3
19:56 : Hydroxyl amine
29:28 : Hydrazine
21:00 : Phenylhydrazine
21:42 : Ceric ammonium nitrate
22:28 : Diethyloxalate
23:42 : CuCN/HCN( sandmaeyer's reaction)
24:18 : Cu/HCl
24:37 : Cu/HBr
24:59 : Diazomethane
26:11 : Fenton's reagent
27:08 : Ziegler natta catalyst
28:04 : Jones reagent
28:39 : Schiff base reagent
30:36 : Benedict's reagent
31:24 : Etard reaction
31:56 : Thank you
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100 Days Miracle Course Details: https://bit.ly/ssmam-neetbio-100d
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Topic-Based Courses @ INR 499: https://bit.ly/etoos-tfp
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