The Inspired Veenadhari Mahadeva - Oil Painting On Canvas @exoticindiaart
Lord Mahadeva, the great (‘maha’) deva, is the manifestation of the Purusha, the consciousness substratum of all existenc... View MoreThe Inspired Veenadhari Mahadeva - Oil Painting On Canvas @exoticindiaart
Lord Mahadeva, the great (‘maha’) deva, is the manifestation of the Purusha, the consciousness substratum of all existence. According to Sankhya Darshana, when Purusha overcome by the charms of Prakriti comes near her and begins to reflect on her, it is the birth of all life. His wife, Devi Parvati, is the manifestation of Prakriti, the material substratum without which Purusha would have no manifestation. This Mahadeva Oil Painting depicts the all-encompassing consciousness that is personified as the Shivaji Himself. The iconography is replete with traditional elements. Long dreadlocks, held in place by a skull and with a sliver of the moon wedged into it.
Shiva Oil Painting:
Shiva Paintings:
Hindu Art:
Indian Art:
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