by on November 5, 2021
Irina Slutskaya, two-time world champion and seven-time European champion, shared her opinion whether additional points for age can motivate skaters to continue their careers. Two-time Olympic medalist in ice dancing Alexander Zhulin suggested adding points to Russian figure skater Elizaveta Tuktamysheva because she is older than her rivals from the Eteri Tutberidze group. “If they add 50 points every year, then yes, it will be a motivation for the athletes. (Laughs.) However, one point will not give anything in a global sense, - said Slutskaya RT. - This is not the motivation for which people are ready to be torn into a thousand small cubs. Let's add more points for the beautiful stones on the suit. A pretty girl came out on the ice - we'll give ten points, and the other one is too ordinary - we'll put her minus ten. Some nonsense. Why does it all come down to some kind of external data, and not to filling the program? It's still wrong. " Earlier, Slutskaya said that it is better to give marks for the complexity of the program, and not for the age of the skater. Read more on
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