Anna Preston
by on April 2, 2018
When considering the options for the care of elderly loved ones, most think that residential care homes are the only choice available to them. For some, a residential care home may well be the answer, but there is an alternative to residential care homes that enables the elderly and those with medical issues to remain in their beloved homes and receive exceptional quality care and assistance.

The benefits of live in care

Live in care provides highly trained and compassionate staff that reside in the clients’ home 24 hours a day, providing help and assistance with tasks such as washing, dressing, cleaning, cooking and nursing. Many carers who choose Live in care jobs are able to provide support for those with medical conditions that make it difficult for people living with these ailments to do things for themselves. Home care services are becoming an increasingly favourable option for families who have elderly relatives that wish to retain independence in their lives. They can stay in the area they know well, seeing friends regularly or attending local groups. Many may have lived in their homes for decades, bringing up families and having lots of happy memories in that home. Some may wish to tend to their gardens, and some may have well-loved pets that they wish to keep that cannot be taken into a residential care home. Being able to remain at home in a recognisable setting may give elderly people a sense of comfort that helps in their day to day lives. Additionally, sufferers of certain medical conditions such as dementia would be helped by being able to remain in familiar surroundings. Live-in care is on a one-to-one basis and can be tailored to suit the individual needs of the client. This in turn builds a rapport and the carer can begin to anticipate the client’s requirements - quite the opposite to a residential care home with many residents. Having a constant presence from a live-in carer makes it likely that ‘old age’ incidents such as falls are significantly decreased.

Does it really offer a better quality of life

Research shows that many live-in clients say the care and support they receive helps them have a better quality of life compared to elderly people in residential care homes. They are not restricted to structured menus or activities, and can plan and enjoy their own meals and outings. With no inflexible schedules, the client is able to retain their independent decision-making abilities, and establish a good relationship with their live-in carer. For clients who are dementia sufferers, being with a familiar face in a familiar environment can make all the difference. The cost of a live-in carer has parity with that of a residential care home, and is certainly favourable when elderly couples require assistance. Prices can vary depending on what kind of assistance may be needed. Clients who choose to have a live-in carer benefit from the comfort of receiving this one-on-one care in the comfort and familiarity of their own home, making it a welcome alternative to a residential care home.
Posted in: Family & Home
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