Avinash Mittal
by on January 7, 2019
The weight loss industry is full of myths rather than facts. People are often advised to follow all kinds of crazy things to shred weight, most of which have no evidence. Some people count calories while some keep track of their exercise to lose weight. What is recommended should be based on actual science and of course some part of successful personal experience. Based on these, we have collected some proven tips for fast weight loss.

Add protein to your diet

Protein is the king of nutrients, especially when you are trying to lose weight and making amendments in your diet. Human body burns calorie when digesting and metabolizing the protein we consume. A high protein diet boost metabolism and make us feel fuller and reduce the appetite. It means you tend to eat less on a high protein diet. It is advisable to add chunks of protein to your every meal. It may be in the form of dairy, lean meats or plant-based proteins.

Take safe weight loss supplements

The market for weight loss is full of all sorts of weight loss supplements. However, among them, very few weight loss supplements that work are accessible to common people. As the number of proven weight loss supplements is lesser in the market, people often do not trust them. However, there are safe weight loss supplements available which are based on natural substance and curb your cravings, burn a few pounds naturally and provides more energy to your body.

Drink water

When it comes to losing weight, you should increase your daily water intake, especially if you are working out. Water boost metabolism and help our body burn more calories. It is ideal to drink half a liter of water half-an-hour before every meal. This trick helps you eat fewer calories and lose more weight.

Slow down your pace of eating

Very few of us eat their food mindfully. Often we are in haste or hurry to enjoy every bit of our meal. Over time, we develop of gulping down everything, without chewing or remembering anything that we ate. Chewing longer between bites not only enable us to enjoy our food, but also to reduce the number of calories we consume. Our brain takes at least 15-20 minutes to receive the fact that our tummy is full. Reducing the pace of eating enable us to realize this before we have stuffed our stomach with overeating.

Limit sugar intake

Sugar can be one of the biggest factors behind your increasing weight. Eating sugar is also linked with some of the leading diseases, like heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Even if you are directly not consuming white sugar, you may be consuming a lot of sugar, hidden in various processed foods, without even realizing, for example, ketchup, bottled juices, carbonated drinks. Minimizing added sugar is a big step to reduce your weight.

Get sufficient sleep

Very few of us realize that sleep has a strong connection with losing weight. Getting sufficient sleep is important to prevent weight gain in the future. Sleep deprived people are more likely to gain weight and become obese as compared to people who get sufficient sleep. This is due to the reason that sleep deprivation disrupts appetite hormones, leading to poor appetite regulation.

Consume fiber-rich food

Fiber-rich food helps significantly in weight loss. Food items that contain water-soluble fiber are particularly more helpful as they increase the feeling of fullness. Fiber delay stomach emptying and make stomach expand and release it satiety hormones. Ultimately, it makes you less naturally, without sensing it. In addition, some types of fiber can feed the friendly gut bacteria which reduce the risk of obesity. In a nutshell, reducing weight is not as difficult as it seems when followed the right tips. Hope this year, you will be able to fulfill your weight loss and fitness goals. All the best!
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