Hamna Khokhar
by on September 11, 2019
Some people do not have teeth in a straight line because they have misaligned teeth. Dental braces are simple devices that can be used to perfectly align the teeth of a person. What are the different types of dental braces? Which type of dental braces is better? This article discusses different types of braces a person can have. If you have misaligned teeth and you want to straighten them, this topic is for you.

Metal Braces

These braces are made of metal and there are two parts of such kind of braces: wires and brackets. This type is perhaps the oldest one and they have become less noticeable and smaller these days. Their cost is not too high but it does not feel and look good.

Ceramic Braces

These braces are made of ceramic material and they have the same size, shape as metal braces. The only difference is color and ceramic braces match the teeth color. Due to teeth-like color, these braces are less noticeable but they can become stained quickly.

Lingual Braces

These braces also have the same size and shape as metal braces but they are not visible because they are installed on the inside of the teeth. That is why they are invisible from outside. As they are installed on the inside of the teeth, it becomes hard for people to clean.


It is a new type of dental braces Dubai that can be expensive but has many benefits.

The End Result

This article discussed different types of braces a person can have. If you have misaligned teeth and you want to straighten them, this topic might have helped you. Do not hesitate to call your dental surgeon if you need more information about dental braces you can try. You can also read or watch more educational material online.
Posted in: Dental
Topics: dental
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