by on October 31, 2019

Why should I choose a professional driving instructor?

In this current financial climate, it's very tempting to ask a family member or friend for driving lessons. However, it is very rare for someone other than an authorized driving instructor (ADI) to have the training and experience to train them enough to pass the driving test. Certified professional driving instructors in Glasgow are trained to a very high standard and know exactly how to drive to pass the current driving test.

How do I know if my driving instructor is good?

In Glasgow, fully qualified ADIs should perform periodic verification tests to ensure that they provide the appropriate level of education for students. Of course, if you choose to take driving lessons in Glasgow from a friend or family member, they are not tied to the same levels of quality. After observing a driving instructor, they will be qualified according to their abilities, they are:

• Grade 4 - Competent
• Grade 5 - Good
• Grade 6 - High level

If a driving instructors glasgow has a score below 4, it will be subject to additional controls by the Management Standards Agency. If his level of education does not improve over time, he risks revoking his license. If you want to know what grade your instructor received in the last evaluation, ask to see the last newsletter.

You should always know if your instructor is a properly qualified certified driving instructor or an accredited training instructor. An ADI will have a green license to display on its windshield, while a trainer will have a pink license and every time you pay tuition, the law requires your instructor to show your license.

As you can see in the previous information, a professional ADI undergoes extensive and ongoing training to enable you not only to pass the driving test, but also to make you a safe driver. Taking lessons from friends or family, although a much cheaper option, offers no guarantee of the level of education you receive and, most often, will lead you to acquire bad habits that will put you driving problems.

Additional tips to help you choose a good driver

Make sure your driving instructor is fully qualified

Before starting your first driving course with your instructor, make sure your instructor is a fully approved driving instructor, also called ADI. To check if the instructor is fully qualified, take a look at the front windshield of the car; if there is a green badge, he is fully qualified. If there is no green badge on the windshield, simply ask him to show it. Yes, when you look at the windshield of the instructor, there is a pink badge, it means that the instructor is only an apprentice.

Make sure your driving instructor has a good approval rating

Before driving lessons glasgow, ask your instructor what his approval rating is. This will provide insights into the success of previous students with this driving instructor. The current national average of students who pass the driving test is 42%, so make sure your instructor approval rate reflects this reality.

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