by on October 31, 2019
Gold has value not just as an ornament and a precious metal, but also as a viable form of investment. Though families believe in passing down gold from generation to generation as heirlooms, physical gold comes with the risk of theft and depreciation. Investments in gold are best carried out through ETFs and FoFs. If you are considering whether or not to invest in gold, here are the five objects that will surely convince you to opt for gold investments.

1. Acts As A Hedge Against Inflation

Today Gold price in USA has shown that the best part of investing in gold is that it has performed really well during the times of inflation. Gold shows positive results even at the time of economic turn down and the volatility of the market. It has shown many times that it is one of the best hedges against inflation. When it comes to appreciation of assets in the long-term, gold has also performed well in that scenario. These factors make it a must-have in your investment portfolio.

2. Useful When You Want Portfolio Diversification

As any qualified investor will tell you, the key to making good profits is diversification of your investments. 14K gold rate offers just the right way for you to diversify your investments. It is a convenient and easy way to diversify your portfolio of investments and earn higher returns.

3. You Can Start With A Small Amount

If you are a beginner in the world of investments, then it is a good idea to take small steps instead of taking a big leap. You can start by investing in gold with a small amount of 10K gold price. It will help you to save when you think for the long term.

4. Gold Comes With Easy Liquidity

Investors also prefer gold because of the easy liquidity that it comes with. You can get to subscribe and redeem 18K gold price as and when the need arises. This ease of liquidity is not available for all kinds of investments.

5. The Tax Benefits Of The Investment

There are gold funds that get treated as a non-equity product at 22K gold price when you consider it from the tax perspective. You have the opportunity of claiming long term capital gains tax benefits on the funds after a period of about a year of investing. You need to research and find such funds where you can avail of tax benefits because of investing in gold. All these factors prove beyond doubt the viability of gold as an investment. You need to research well on your options and start considering gold investments today.
Posted in: Finance
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