by on November 2, 2019
While you prepare for the interview, you need to research a lot about the company and job profile. You will need to prepare a set of questions and answers so that you don’t get nervous and crack the interview with confidence. It’s very important to prepare the common interview questions and answers before going for an interview.
Of course, it’s not necessary you would be asked the same questions but it’s always better to prepare and have mock interview questions and answers before attempting an actual one.And you just have to prepare for a few common interview questions that every recruiter asks. Preparing for these mock interview questions and answers would give you an edge and build confidence in you. And confidence is the key to ace the interview.

Here is a list of a few common interview questions and answers which would surely help you in cracking your interview:
So, here you go:

1. Tell me about yourself

To answer this question, you need to be brief and just give a pitch of a minute. Be precise and simple, this would create a good impression on the recruiters. And do not say what you have included in your resume. Tell something different about yourself. Like, you could describe yourself. For example, you can answer this way: “I carry a positive attitude and have multi-tasking abilities, time management skills, and infallible record of meeting the tight deadline”. This can be one of the ways in which you can ace this question.

2. Why do you want to apply for this position?

This a very common interview question that every hiring manager would ask. If you have an experience in that particular field, you can answer this using your experience that how you can contribute to the organization being in that position. And if you do not have any experience in that field, you can answer in a way that tells recruiter that you would want to explore the position and gain exposure and more knowledge in that particular field. However, with no experience, this answer would work if you are applying for an internship.

3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

This is one of the most common questions. This question is basically asked to know about your capabilities and motivation to work towards improving your weaknesses. So, prepare at least 3-4 each. Stating strengths would not be that difficult as stating weaknesses would be. Because when you say your weaknesses, you need to make sure that the hiring managers get convinced, you have been working hard to get over your weaknesses. So, prepare a really good answer that leaves a lasting impression on these recruiters.

4. Where do you see yourself after five years?

When you prepare for this question, prepare in a way that is realistic and shows you are ambitious enough for your career. With this question, the interviewer is actually looking for someone who could give a long-term commitment. So, make sure you answer carefully!

5. What makes you the best candidate for this job position?

This question can be a little tricky one as you need to answer what interviewer would like to hear. So, you will have to frame your answer in a way that makes you the best. You can respond to this question with your attributes and experiences and also give some examples of how you can give your best to the organization. And make sure you have done enough research about the company and job profile, so it wouldn’t be that difficult to answer this question.
Be honest and confident and give your answers with a good thought!

6. Why should we hire you?

This question is similar to that of the previous one. So, mostly the interviewer would ask either of these two. But you will have to be prepared for both the questions as the way of answering would be a little different in both the cases.
So, you will have to be really creative while answering this question so that the interviewer gets convinced that you are the best fit for this job position. Be realistic and show that you are ambitious who can give a long-term commitment to the job.

7. Did you face any conflict at work and if yes, how did you handle it?

You need to answer this question professionally and let them know how efficiently you handled the situations with productive results. So, think of some situation that you had to deal with at your workplace.

8. Do have any question for us?

Make sure you ask at least one or two questions related to the job profile or the company. Asking this question would benefit you as you will get to know more about the job and the organization.
So, these common interview questions and answers would surely help you in passing the interview stage. You can apply for jobs and internships on We Intern. Just sign up and get through many opportunities.
Posted in: Education
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