by on January 25, 2020
Hemp is one of the most versatile plants known to man. As research continues more uses for this fabulous crop are being better understood. It is used currently used in food, clothing, paper, medication, fuel and more. Hemp has a multitude of health benefits, and hemp seed oil has many health benefits for the skin, this is the reason why it is being included in a growing number of beauty and skincare products.

Hemp Seed Oil: Unlike CBD oil, which is growing in consumer popularity around the world, hempseed oil is produced from the seed of the hemp plant rather than the flowers and leaves. The oil is cold-pressed out of the seed and has a nutty flavour. Its use in skincare is quite remarkable for many reasons and being 100% natural people are beginning to sit up and take notice. Mind you, the Chinese have known about the health benefits of hemp oil for thousands of years, it is about time the rest of the world took notice.

Hemp Seed Oil and your Skin: There are two ways that you can use hemp seed oil to improve and benefit your skin. You can consume the oil in food as part of your diet, or you can use the hempseed oil topically on your skin. Both ways allow the health benefits of hemp to work in slightly different ways but all equally well. So, what can hempseed oil do for your skin?

Soothing Moisturiser: Many people know that hemp has superb anti-inflammatory properties, and these are carried through into hempseed oil. Thanks to this, hempseed oil is a superb and very soothing moisturizer. Furthermore, hempseed contains the Omega-6 fatty acid Gamma Linolenic, which promotes skin growth and new skin cell generation. Added to this hempseed oil does not clog the pores when moisturizing the skin and can help balance oily skin and begin to control the natural oil production of the skin leading the overall healthier skin.

Control of Dermatitis: For many people, dermatitis is an irritating skin disorder that is challenging to control. With its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and excellent anti-inflammatory properties, hempseed oil is a superb remedy in the control of the skin disease. Studies into the control of atopic dermatitis have shown that many cases have been reduced considerably in around 20 weeks when hempseed oil is consumed as part of a healthy diet.

Combatting Acne: Acne is a troublesome skin disorder more often associated with teenagers. However, acne can affect many adults too and is often caused by an overproduction of oil in the skin. As noted above, hemp oil can balance out oily skin, and for this reason, it is a great treatment for acne.

Anti-Ageing: All over the world, people, especially women, are looking for anti-ageing treatments. Hempseed oil is not only a highly effective skin moisturizer, but it is also well-known for its ability to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, one of the greatest issues in ageing.

Using Hemp Seed Oil for your Skin: There are many cosmetics and skincare products that contain hemp seed oil. Do not be confused between those containing hemp oil and CBD oil, there is a difference, and you will usually notice it in the price at first. Currently, there is still a lot of research needed to determine whether CBD or hemp is best for you and it is really too early to tell at this stage. However, hemp seed oil does not have to be used in a cosmetic product or cream to be used for good skin health. Hemp oil is soaked up quickly by the skin, and it can be applied as an effective moisturizer as pure oil. Many people use it after a shower or bath, and some use it as a carrying oil for aromatherapy treatments.

Part of your Diet: Including hempseed in your diet in conventional cooking is an easy way to absorb the benefits of hemp. Being high in vitamins A and E and packed with antioxidants hemp goes far beyond just helping with healthy skin. The hemp seed oil also strengthens nails and, in many ways, creates a healthy skin from the inside out. Using hemp seed oil as part of your daily diet and skincare routine is something you will never regret. Hemp is totally natural and there are few if any side-effects from using it or consuming it. Very often, only small amounts of hemp oil required for amazing results and glowing skin in just a matter of weeks.

Posted in: Hair Care Solutions
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