Marsh Maxwell
by on February 16, 2020

The new digital professions are an increasingly consolidated reality in the world  today in particular we want to talk to you about this figure with very specific and verticalized skills: the SEM Specialist.

First of all, what is SEM?

Search Engine Marketing is a broad concept, which includes all digital initiatives that aim to drive qualified traffic to a website.

Simplifying, we often tend to identify SEM as the sum of initiatives undertaken  for a fee  or in any case  external to the site , contrasting them with the organic and internal SEO ones , but in reality there has never been a  univocal definition  of this profession: there is it is who divides the SEO and the SEM and who instead brings both fields under the SEM.

However, it is not necessary to consider the two activities as opposed and competing, instead they must be able to coexist and contribute both to the success of web marketing campaigns.

So who is the SEM Specialist and what does he do

SEM Specialist's job is to bring the most qualified traffic possible to a customer's website, to make it turn into  leads  or customers.

The tools he has available to do this are:

Market studies

Studies on competitors and reference targets

The most used keywords for a certain topic

The interpretation it must give to the data

From all this, the SEM Specialist must be able to develop an effective strategy for implementing the campaigns.

A further task that belongs to this professional figure is the continuous monitoring of active campaigns and the subsequent implementation of the same and the development of periodic reports to measure the results of the actions undertaken (ROI).

How do you become a SEM Specialist?

First of all, it is essential to have technical knowledge: know how Google and the like interpret the architecture and content of the site, or how to effectively create, monitor and correct paid campaigns.


To become SEM Specialist it is also very important to have a good dose of imagination and inventiveness for the content copy processing, the persuasiveness of the texts must be effective as well as the choice of multimedia content

A further very important skill to possess is the ability to analyze, essential both to manage the huge amount of data deriving from keyword analysis and monitoring, and to correctly plan keyword advertising campaigns.

Finally, a SEM Specialist must have the desire to constantly update himself, curiosity about the sector news. SEM Specialist is not a "static" profession, where once you have learned the fundamentals you can live on income; new functions and tools are released every day to be tested to ensure that customers are satisfied, using cutting-edge platforms capable of lowering costs and increasing performance.

At this point, one might ask: is a targeted course useful for undertaking this profession? Yes, and  even more so is the mentality  with which it is faced.

It is a question of investing time and money in professional training : the advice is therefore to capitalize on the lessons by  elaborating the notions learned  in a personal way.

Enrolling in a training course means starting from a solid foundation  for building one's profession of the future: the foundations are laid, but the furniture is up to the tenant.

For our Google Ads Online course we have selected for you among the best professionals in the field to reveal the most effective techniques to use to make SEM.

How the Google Adwords platform works

What are the types of campaigns

New advanced optimization techniques

Automate the analysis of optimizations

SEM Specialist: what does the future hold for this profession?

Currently the digital and web market is one of the few that has not been affected by the recent crisis and is constantly evolving. The digital marketing revolution affects all working realities and leaves room for web agencies and professionals.

The challenge for the future will be to offer real value  to customers, that is, a measurable Return On Investment. This will distinguish professional from amateur solutions.


moreover, the use of marketing automations is spreading (BOT, dynamic remarketing etc ..) therefore in the immediate future it will be essential for SEO Specialists to know which automations will be used and then constantly monitor them.

Topics: sem specialist
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