by on June 19, 2020

Not everyone has the flair for creative writing and not everyone gets to become an author by writing a book and getting it published. However, everyone desires to enjoy the limelight of celebrity authors. The question is whether creative writing is limited to just a chosen few or is it possible for anyone to master the creative writing skills and write a book?

The truth is that just about anyone can write a book. Living in this internet era, it is lot easier to get your work published as opposed to the olden days. What exactly does one need to get started with creative writing? If you are looking for a ‘one-word answer’ then the key ingredient is ‘passion’.

All of us are good at something, identify an area in which you are good at and teach it to the others. When you do this through your writing, then you can become an author. For example, if you are good with people and you know how to deal with different types of personalities, then you have a huge audience that is looking for people management skills.

The second approach is to look for the missing links in the world around you and try to remove that gap through your work. In this case, your theme for writing is need based. You identify a need in the society or in the world around you and through your creative writing, you are helping the world meet that need.

In both cases, you need to have adequate writing skills to share your ideas and concepts with your audience in a way that is easy to understand and also at the same time interesting so that they would be motivated enough to read your book fully.

Once you have the manuscript ready, you need to find a publisher who is ready to publish your work. However, it is not easy to get a publisher who is ready to publish the works of a newbie writer. All the publishers will be looking at the commercial viability of publishing your work.

Alternatively, you could take the avenue of self-publishing. This may involve an initial investment from your end but it is worth investing in such an endeavor. You could also make use of online platforms that allow you to share your work. Initially, such websites would prove to be of a great help. You will be able to get feedbacks and reviews for your work from the other writers and people who enjoy reading. For any writer to continually deliver good quality work such feedbacks and reviews are very important.

In most cases, aspiring authors fail to launch their work because they do not get started. They miss the opportunities that are around them by waiting for the perfect time to get started. If you want to write a book, the best time to get started is ‘NOW’. Every single day you postpone will only delay your dream coming true.

Posted in: Arts
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