by on August 24, 2020
Debt funds are a great way to invest money into fixed-income instruments like corporate bonds, government securities, debentures, etc. However, investing in these ventures also come with potential risks. That is why every investor needs to be well-aware of all the intricate details of these debt funds before investing in them. Therefore, here are some of the essential things to know about these funds for your reference:

Expense Ratio

The terms "expense ratio" refers to the aggregate of expenditures incurred for operating any debt fund scheme. The expense ratio happens to play a significant role in the equity mutual funds as the returns remain quite limited for the debt funds. You need to keep a tab on the expense ratio and invest in a comparatively lower rate than the others. As an example, if the return is 9% from a debt fund, then 1.5% is the expense ratio. And the actual performance for this would be 7.5% for the investor. Along with this fact, you must also know how to buy debt for pennies on the dollar. Get more details from

Duration And Maturity

The next thing you must consider would be the maturity of the debt funds. That is because these are quite vulnerable to the fluctuations in the market interest rates. There tends to be an inverse relationship between the interest rates of the funds and the bond prices. Along with this, you need to be aware of the duration required for the bond's maturity. It is sensitive to the funds as they change similarly with the changes in the interest rates. Hence, if the duration is pretty long enough, that signifies that there is to be more sensitive in the changes in the interest rate. To determine how to buy debt for pennies on the dollar, you can refer to such factors. Hence, both the duration and maturity play essential roles in determining the value of the investment debt fund returns. In simpler terms, the debt funds with longer duration perform quite well with falling interest rates. In contrast, the ones with the shorter period are beneficial for performing in rising interest rate programs.

Yield To Maturity

The next term on this list has to be related to the final yield of the debt fund. Yield to maturity depicts the expected return from the invested funds if all securities related to the fund portfolio are kept properly till the maturity terms. It is a crucial point to consider for those looking to invest in short-term funds, which can be less than three years.

Along with these points, do keep tabs on the interest rate regime, which increases the attractiveness of any debt funds available in the market. The more you research these factors, the more you learn how to invest in these debt portfolios.
Posted in: Finance
Topics: debt funds
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