by on October 26, 2020

How many skins are in League of Legends? It is ideal to say that there are numerous skins, hitting an active number of about 1390. But just as the principle stands, players have to go for the best skins. 

League of Legends skins makes the game more exciting. When you choose a skin that interests you, your taste for the game becomes different. And of course, you get to play from a fascinating angle.

So if asked how many skins are in League of Legends, keep in mind that the best skins matter. You don’t want to go through the hassle of testing the total number of skins. Your best option is to opt for the best.


Several Skins Price Categories

League of Legends has a unique way of releasing skins for the game. To date, it has been serving players with different thrills. You sure will find one that suits your need.

These skin price categories matter to most players because it keeps them informed on the more active ones. They include:

  • 390 RP
  • 520 RP
  • 750 RP
  • 975 RP
  • 1350 RP
  • 1820 RP
  • 3250 RP

A different kind of innovation surfaced after the 750 RP came in place. The 3250 RP, otherwise known as the Ultimate Skin Tier, is the newest update and works very fine. Other innovations include Usual Skin Tier(975 RP), Epic (1350), and the Legendary (1820 RP).

Common League of Legends Skins

LoL brings excitement to the table of every player. It now depends on you to choose your favorite skin. Are you finding it hard to make a choice? This piece proposes a solution.

You can select from the skins below, each containing a precise detail of its process:

Corporate Mundo

If you want some action with the big boss, use the Corporate Mundo. This skin might look a bit old to some people, but it does serve users with an exciting game.

Corporate Mundo possesses the required characteristics, charisma, and necessities. The character is just right for the game. You just can't get enough of its thrills. Corporate Mundo gives a splendid charge. When upset, it cries with a loud and commanding voice saying, “you’re fired!”

Blackfrost Anivia

Anivia stands out with its exciting features. It possesses the required skills to win a game and looks appealing. The voice over is also great. This character retains its relevance in the black ice style, imposing a demand for ultimate. Indeed, it is worth the cost.

Forecast Janna

Janna’s part in the game brings more fun, and it plays the role just right. This skin has steadily commented on events with its pleasant and soothing voice over.


So you see, it isn’t about the pondering question that says, how many skins are in League of Legends? Going for the best is what matters. League of Legends involves obtaining the necessary tools for the game. Once you do that, your chances of winning increase.

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