by on November 18, 2020
Tile and grout, as we all know requires regular cleaning and care just like most other surfaces. As these materials are porous in nature, they require a deep cleaning by an expert to get rid of the stains, mildew, and mold and various other age-related build-ups. You can find numerous tiles & grout cleaning service providers as well as methods to consider, and each of them costs differently. Most professional cleaning service providers that offer carpet cleaning services also offer grout and tile cleaning. The service charge of these services is usually calculated in terms of square foot and there are few companies that ask for a minimum fee. You can also find some instances where you may have quoted a project cost or a discounted job cost by combining different services.


The tile location that requires deep cleaning will affect the cost. Heavy-traffic tiles that are vulnerable to grease buildup are the most cost you the most when you hire a professional cleaner for that. Some of the cleaning jobs are quite simple for which even a pressure washing will do, however, this must be done by someone who is familiar with tile cleaning and related services. You can save a considerable amount of money when you compare that to hiring dedicated tile and grout cleaners. The cleaner that is being used must include a protective finish with the cleaning so that future buildup and dirt can be addressed at the right time and the tile stays shielded for a long time. Make sure you ask about this and also know about any potential warranty as well as guaranty.


Tile and grout cleaning service costs somewhere in between $0.50 to $3 for every square foot and the total cost needs to be in the range of $100 to $200 to avail the service. Most of the tile cleaning service experts will charge a price per square foot and that would also include the time required for the accomplishment of the job as well as the variety of materials used. That being said, you might encounter other scenarios as well, the most common one are listed below:

Flat fee --- $300-$500 for each room (assuming the area to be in the range of 150-250 square feet). Even though you can get a flat rate quote, your service provider has already figured out the cost in terms of the square footage as well as the number of lines.

Per hour basis --- $30-$50 per 60 minutes for each member hired for the job. Most of the cleaning jobs can be completed within 6 hours.

Per square foot --- $0.50-$3 as we mentioned earlier. The rate for each square foot will depend on the total number of grout lines that are present. One thing to note is that the smaller 1”x1” tiles take more time to clean when you compare that to a room filled with plenty of 24”x24” tiles.

Consider this article and make use of the best tile cleaning professional.

Author: The author is a blogger and the article is about tile and grout cleaning service cost.
Posted in: Cleaning Services
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