by on November 18, 2020
Lithium-ion batteries are known for their mainly high performance amongst rechargeable batteries. They are of use in various industrial domains. The primary use was for supplying power for portable devices. There has been a boost in applications to encompass electric vehicles and stationary energy storage systems of late. This has increased demand for economical LIBs with higher performance. There is a rapid growth in the demand for LIBs for electric vehicles. What is the reason? Measures by governments around the world to promote auto electrification. Batteries that are used in EVs have to provide a tremendously high performance. There are several examples of auto features and the analogous requisites placed on batteries.

Some Reasons For The Requirement Of LIBs For Automobiles

•Long-distance driving

•Fast charging

•Extended use

•Improved safety

To That End, Various Tests And Measurements Are Necessary

For realizing the battery features mentioned above, several sorts of tests and measurements are necessary. They are required at each phase of the battery manufacturing procedure to guarantee the quality of each procedure.

Moreover, testing and measurements are vital in various settings. They aren’t restricted to manufacturing. They are also required for R&D and finished-product assessments. Archetypal test instrument and measurements include

1.Impedance meters

2.Charge/discharge systems

3.High-precision voltmeters

4.Resistance Lithium Tester

Several makers offer a range of products in the domain of electrical measurement that are perfect for measuring and testing batteries.

Vital Considerations When Picking A Battery Tester For LIBs

There are several key considerations when picking a LIB resistance tester.

A couple of considerations are a single frequency of 1 kHz and a frequency sweep operation capacity.

We elaborate on the above considerations below.

In the delivery and acceptance inspection line, instruments using 1 kHz single frequency are normally used.

Instruments in such applications can be picked based on impedance range and input voltage.

How to perform a more thorough assessment of the internal characteristics of the batteries? The answer is an instrument that can do a frequency sweep operation. There are some excellent choices for measuring across a broad frequency range. There are also some excellent choices for measuring low impedance precisely while sweeping through several frequencies.

Another Consideration Is Safely Measuring High-Voltage Modules

Caution is required regarding the DUT’s voltage during the measurement of battery modules’ weld resistance. A case in point is a module with 20 cells connected in series. The maximum voltage across its terminals should be approximately 74 V. Generally, DC resistance meters cannot handle this form of voltage input. Thus, excessive voltage input could damage the instrument. For preventing such an accident from excessive input, a Resistance Lithium Tester with high voltage resistance and high-accuracy resistance measurement is good.

The manufacturing of Lithium-ion batteries is a comprehensive process that has a lot of aspects. Thus, the right tester has got to be used to measure the internal resistance of these batteries. The good thing is that quite a few manufacturers produce quality testers that people can use with absolute surety.
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