by on November 19, 2020
Translation services are something that is often misunderstood, especially when it comes to the scope of available services. Most people think of translation services for someone signing to a verbal speech or subtitles on a movie, perhaps even translating written materials from one language to another. There are many other aspects of translation. This is even more specialized when working with a specific area, like Christian translation.

Before we start to discuss the types of translation that are available, Christian translation needs to be defined. Translation services are simply translating materials of various kinds into new target languages. While most people associate this with the book, and to lesser extent movie subtitles, few realize this also applies to websites, documents, entire speaking parts in movies, sermons, pamphlets, and much more. It also involves more than just the translation of words when a translation is completed by a professional, it is a translation of photos, colors, and word choice. A great translator will keep the message the same while using appropriate terminology and references in the target language. When getting into Christian translation, the goal is to get the message of the Word across in a specific way in the target language. This is important when translating information that has such deep nuances. The best way to describe this is through comparison. If you had to go to a specialist in another country, you would want your medical records well translated using proper terminology so the doctor could offer treatment. If translating materials based on God’s Word, the specific information and terminology can be the difference in where eternal life is spent.

Now that Christian translation has been clarified, we can look toward Christian literature translation ministries and Christian book translation services. Christian literature translation ministries can serve multiple purposes, but above all, they are getting parts of the Word or other Christian materials into the hands of those with limited access, in their own language. Christian book translation services also translate Christian materials with a focus on books, which are some of the most difficult things to translate. With that clarification, we can review some of the lesser-known types of translation services.

Christian Video Subtitles and Overdubbing

Christian videos can be a great source of information for children and adults alike, especially if large portions of a population are illiterate or poorly educated. This is not a familiar translation service for many people. Subtitles are just as they sound, subtitles that appear on the screen in the target language, but overdubbing is something a bit different. Overdubbing is voice acting, saying the character's lines in the target language to create the same story line and message. This requires multilingual voice talent but can help a video or show reach many more people.

Christian Audio Translation

Recording messages from home or while in the church has become commonplace in many churches which means translation of such materials can allow those who speak other languages to grow in the Gospel. For those who are visually impaired, this may be the only opportunity they receive to understand the Gospel message in any format. This is also wonderful for children’s messages and those who cannot leave their homes to hear the Gospel preached. Christian audio translation allows messages to be shared around the world with relative ease.

Christian Article Translation

Many amazing writers create articles every year that deserve to be shared. Translation services offer this as an option as articles can be translated into many different languages. It is highly important for an article to be translated correctly so the author’s reputation remains intact. A professional Christian translator will understand not only the languages necessary but the theology behind each article to make sure that message carried through.

Christian Learning Materials

People cannot grow in faith if they are not allowed to learn. The translation of learning materials in book, workbook, or e-learning formats can be accomplished by professional Christian translators. This allows international ministries to carry their messages around the world. It is just as important for the translator to understand the theory behind the teaching as it is the target language.


Professional Christian translators that stand behind their work are often difficult to find, but companies like Christianlingua offer top translation services in all forms. If you have created a message with a Christian basis that you wish to have translated, then go with the best.
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