by on November 25, 2020
Invented in the 18th century in the form we know it, the piano is today one of the most widely played instruments in France. If the handling seems not very difficult, since by pressing a key we obtain a note, its operation is a little more complicated. In reality, strings are stretched near the soundboard (which is used for resonance) and are struck by a hammer when the keys are pressed. With 88 notes, for a standard piano, this instrument offers a wide choice of scores to play and create.
However, for harmonization to take place, the chords must be effective. Pressing several keys at the same time, unconsciously, often causes an unpleasant sound. To avoid false notes, taking piano lessons is preferable, regardless of your age. Child or adult, our brain works and is eager to learn!
There is no age limit to learning to play the piano.
Whether we are ten, thirty or fifty years old, our memory capacity is always present and constantly expanding, accumulating knowledge and memories. Like any beginner, new learning can seem difficult and often the idea of applying ourselves to it every day can slow us down. It's like understanding grammar or mathematics, somewhere along the way, by dint of applying the rules we retain them.
For the piano, it's a little bit the same. The will has to be present, at each learning, at each repetition. Knowing how to play means not giving up, and not surprisingly patience must also follow. Being able to touch the keys to make a melody resound is learned over time. You have to tackle it with passion, with this desire to want to succeed, to think about what our little hands could accomplish.
Above all, it is necessary that this new desire to play the piano be above all a personal conviction. A choice, not an obligation. Thus, if all the essential elements for learning are there, success can only be there.
Learn to play the piano online
One of the first advantages of this new practice is that learning is done at your own pace. You are the only one to decide when it suits you best, how much time you wish to spend, etc. To learn piano online, you have no obligation, no need to hurry. Have fun, no one is there to watch you!
The principle is very simple: it is above all a method without score, where the solfeggio step is therefore not necessary. This is a real time saver.
On your screen is first represented the keyboard of a piano, connected to your support via a USB port. Different colors scroll, usually two that are used to differentiate the right hand from the left hand. These rectangles of different colors eventually reach the keys of the keyboard on your screen, the ones you have to press on your own piano.
Posted in: Music
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