by on November 29, 2020
Life is very fast in China, and people here have a hard time balancing professional and personal life. This is the reason for so many singles in the country, particularly in big metropolises. The great stress of professional life leaves them with very little time to foster affiliations with pals in the vicinity. The result is ample new prospects in the dating business in China. Going by statistics, the number of singles reached 15%+ in the country in 2019. A survey of these singles was done. 48.5% attributed the reason for being single to not enough social exposure. 42.7% cited insufficient time and high pressure.

Online Dating Has Taken Over China

For Chinese people, serious dating mostly commences after school. The objective of most relationships here is marriage. More people date for a prospective marriage partner than a love. Add to this the country’s aging population and million more males than women. Dues to this imbalance, men, are having a hard time finding a partner. The age-old custom of meeting a prospective partner has become lesser. More and more are opting for online dating. People are dating longer ahead of marriage, and the divorce rate has increased. Dating websites and apps have advanced in a great way.

More And More Dating Apps In China Are Offering Innovative Features

Online dating apps like SoulApp are a two-sided market for potential partners to “match” with one another. Online dating is successful when users can meet one another in the “real world” and leave the app. The dating apps are constantly leveraging their digital expertise to be competitive by offering innovative features.

The biggest dating brands in China have reconsidered their blueprint to emphasize on format and have added in-app video calling features. Earlier, video chat was not so much of a priority. A person can make a video call to the person he is chatting with. However, the other person must opt into the call.

During the call, both parties must agree to keep it PG. This innovation will check the movement of sexual material and nudity, abuse, and illegal activity.

Some apps have introduced “virtual happy hours.” A couple of innovations are “online date” proposals and hotlines to dating connoisseurs. There is "Date from Home", and several dating apps have done away with “location locks” for users to connect with everybody everywhere worldwide. SoulApp has introduced a personality test to find the right match.

Dating apps are becoming better. The companies are leveraging their digital business models optimally. With software engineers at their disposal, they are sufficiently agile to introduce new features. To stay competitive, companies are introducing innovative content and offers. The purpose is to draw the most users and to make them stay.
Posted in: Online Dating
Topics: soulapp
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Like December 7, 2020