by on June 11, 2021

Your eyes are one of the most important parts of our body and are surely irreplaceable. They are the most precious assets that make you see the world, but it is imperative to take proper care of them as they are fragile. Good vision is important to carry out your tasks properly but your vulnerable eyesight could deteriorate with age, pollution, stress, unhealthy diet and many other reasons. So if somebody catches a disease like glaucoma then there are certain medications that are prescribed by the doctor like Azopt Eye Drop but with it, he also suggests some other precautionary measures to be taken to accelerate the healing process. But there are some habits that should be a part of our daily routine and can help in keeping your eyes healthy.

Tips To Keep Your Eyes Healthy 

1. Regular Check-up for your Eyes

With the changing times, it is important to take care of yourself and thus it becomes mandatory to visit an ophthalmologist/optometrist at frequent intervals. The test conducted by the specialists can determine the health of your eyes and how strong your vision is. Based on the results of the tests the medications, eye drops and diet is prescribed. Apart from that, you may be asked to have a pair of glasses if need be. Regular checkups can keep you away from the dangers of problems related to eyes like cataracts, retinal detachment, and glaucoma, or any other eye conditions and assist you in maintaining their health. 

2.  A Healthy Diet to the Rescue

If you want to keep yourself and your eyes in a healthy condition then a balanced diet is a necessity. There are certain foods that are meant for the eyes and can increase your eyesight. They can also help you to keep them healthy for a long time irrespective of your age. It is important to include the given food in your diet. They are

  • Some fish like tuna, salmon, trout, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, herring, etc. contain omega 3 fatty acids that are good for the eyes. 
  • Seeds like chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds should be eaten to keep eyes healthy
  • walnuts, brazil nuts, peanuts, cashews are some of the nuts that are essential for eye’s health
  • Carrots, squash, cantaloupe, red peppers, and yellow bell pepper comes under orange coloured food that is considered good for the eyes
  • Protein sources like eggs, soybeans, milk products and other food with protein should be consumed to keep the eyes in a good state
  • Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and collards are great to keep your eyes healthy 

The leading cause of eye problems are obesity, diabetes or hypertension and these can be controlled by consuming a healthy diet. This can also reduce the chance of issues related to the eyes. Moreover, nutrients like copper, zinc, Vitamin E, Vitamin C can reduce the risk of age-related eye health issues so it is important to add them to your diet. 

3. Quit Smoking

Smoking is the leading cause of many diseases related to the lungs but it can harm your eyes as well. Smoking can cause cataracts, Uveitis, damage your optic nerve, causing macular degeneration, glaucoma, dry eye syndrome as well. It is seen that smokers tend to be more at risk of catching diseases related to eyes than non-smokers.

 4. Wear Sunglasses

When you go out into the sun it is important to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the ultraviolet rays of the sun as it can really damage your eyes. They are one of the causes of macular degeneration, cataracts and can even cause temporary blindness. sunglasses give you protection against UVA and UVB. If you work in front of the computer or laptop at a stretch then it is mandatory to be extra cautious as it can also harm your delicate eyes as well. 

5. Give Break to your eyes

If you use a laptop or a computer then make it a habit to relax your eyes after every 30 minutes and look away from the screen. Close your eyes for 10-15 seconds to give rest to your fatigued eyes, open them and blink rapidly. This is the way to create moisture in the eyes that are imperative for your eyes. this will coat your eyes with a layer of moisture. You can become the victim of Computer vision syndrome if you work in front of the computer for a longer period. You can feel comfortable if you do not follow these measures. 

6. Exercise

As exercise is necessary for our body in the same manner it is important for our eyes as well as it relaxes them. At regular intervals, you should stare at an object for 15 seconds that is kept at a distance, then move your gaze towards a nearer object, and continue staring at it for 15 seconds again. Keep repeating this cycle 4-5 times and make it a regular habit as it will save you from any kind of strain or discomfort. 

7. Use Protective gear

Those who work in front of the computer screens should take extra precautions as it emits a harmful ray called blue light. To eradicate the blue light effect, either you can get an anti-glare cover and attach it to the screen of your computer or get yourself a pair of anti-glare glasses that will act as a protective shield for your eyes. 

8. Adjust the Lighting

Make sure while watching TV or working that the lights should not be too harsh. Take precautions and try not to sit in a position where your computer screen can reflect the light from any other source. Adjust the brightness of your computer according to the light in your office or room if need be. 

The most important thing is to get a good night’s sleep as it is necessary for your eyes. Also, keep your hands clean to ward off the chances of catching any infection. You can use vigamox eye drops in case of any infection at your doctor’s advice. Stay healthy and stay safe!

Posted in: Health
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