by on June 26, 2021
With the increasing of modern technology and human awareness, the usage of self-protection equipment has increased significantly. In the world, people perform various type of dangerous work that can harm their life drastically. But it is not acceptable to sacrifice your life due to your favourite profession. Thus the usage of personal protective accessories has increased rapidly.

Healthcare workers have to deal with many patients every day; they need to use personal protective accessories to save their lives from unwanted circumstances. Manufacturers use unique technology to create robust quality protective equipment to protect your health.

What Is Personal Protective Equipment?

Personal protective equipment or PPE is designed to protect your body from infection or injury. A PPE can be helmets, goggles, or clothing. PPE can save a person from heat, burn, biohazards, chemicals, and airborne matter. The purpose of using PPE or protective clothing is to reduce the risk of fatal accidents for the employees who work in risky sectors such as fire, healthcare, or cleaning department.

Importance Of PPE

PPE is applicable where you cannot avoid or control the risk of physical hazards. thus the reasons for which you can use PPE are as follows-

1.PPE can protect a person’s life from a severe health injury that can occur in the workplace. But the design of PPE is totally different from the design of working clothes or uniforms.

2.Users have to use the PPE for entire working hours.

3.Users have to carry an additional weight by wearing a PPE

Different Types Of PPE

The different types of PPE are as follows-

1.Respiratory protection is necessary for the workers who work in a polluted environment. Poisonous gas can damage lungs function; thus, gas masks can protect the respiratory system.

2.Head and scalp protection is necessary for the building construction workers who work in the high rises.

3.Hearing protection is essential to protect the ear from heavy noise in the manufacturing sector.

4.Eye protection is necessary to prevent eye injury from solid particles such as wood chips, sand, and cement chips. Chemical burns, thermal power plant ingredients, and biological agents can create eye injury.

5.Hand and arm protective clothing are necessary who work in animal firming.

6.Body protection is necessary for healthcare staff to protect their health from dangerous virus infection.

From the above description, one can understand the necessity of selecting the right PPE as per their profession. But it is vital to use the PPE to safeguard your body from serious health injury or diseases. Many manufacturers use fine materials to make PPE that can give you comfort for all-day usage purpose.
Posted in: health and wellness
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