Purity Score
by on July 2, 2021
This rice purity test is an accurate copy of the standard rice purity test that started at Rice University. Take the test by matching on the switch over and find out your purity score. Challenge your buddies and see if they can beat you here.

The rice purity extension is present to check your Purity Score. It consists of various purity tests. Test your purity and get the higher points. Its score-based test and the number of stories you introduced in the test show what kind of character traits you have and what kind of character you belong to.

The Common score in the Rice Purity test is 72 counting only those students who stated that they examine at Rice University. This record can modify for other academies. If you want to understand more about this rice purity quiz, steps to play, and what do your purity score really mean, read this post further.

What is the Rice Purity Test?

Rice Purity Test is an impressive survey including 100 questions from various positions of grown-up life proposed to manage your ‘purity‘. Believe me, this test is more quirky than you would think and I am sure you are gonna experience taking it. For your information, the rice purity test first appeared into being in 1924 at Rice University.

It was produced just to test how developed the O-week learners are and supported them to link with the superior groups. After the Rice University, this purity test was approved by other universities set into Berkley Purity Test, UCLA Purity Test, and more.

How to Check Rice Purity Score?

Follow the steps below to verify your purity score using Rice Purity Test.

1. To start the examination, click on the ‘Start Test’ button.

2. You will see the list of 100 questions on the presented webpage.

3. Start explaining the questions.

4. If your response is Yes then click to tick the question separately do nothing and read the next question.

5. After performing all the 100 questions, you must click ‘Calculate My Score’ at the bottom.

6. You will see your Rice Purity Score on the screen.

What does Rice Purity Score Mean?

After you finish the test, you will get your Rice purity account which is a number on a range of 0-100. The answers you set within the sort of yes or no are determined and an issue is created within the sort of a significant result.

On our website, the more things that you have tried in your life would improve your average, whereas you'll mark no for the things that you simply haven't provided out in your life then the results would be of low average.

Between 100 and 98 -

With a score between 100 – 98 averages, you are actually a very simple, innocent, and introverted person who is highly improbable to socialize with senior groups.

Between 97 and 94 -

This score also suggests that you are an impartially pure personality. You are clearly away from harmful things and have almost zero passionate experiences.

Between 93 and 77 -

If your rice purity score comes in this series then you are like most other college students in the US. You have become several relationships in your life including passionate dates etc.

Between 76 and 45 -

With scores between 45 and 76, you have done quite a lot being just a college student. You have been there, given that still, you are sound enough to continue by the law and illegal stuff.

Between 44 and 9 -

A score under 9 on the rice purity test simply says that you love to live wild. Nobody would be shocked to see medications or getting caught by the police for breaking the laws.

Between 0 and 9 -

If you’ve obtained between 0 – 9, you are apparently the most successful guy in your college. You have a record with all the natural stuff and there are outcomes you still have had near-death events in your life.

What is the rice purity test, how to check your rice purity score?

People who are especially interested to think regarding their quality and how fully grown they are, for them today I have accompanied probably the best strategy to investigate their character.

After completion of this article, you would not need to get some information about your personality and your community level. A few years back rice university has made a test to check the development and building a decent holding of their fresher alternates with their seniors.

Furthermore, that is known as a rice purity test which has started from the name the rice university. What's more, today right now am working to allow that test to all of you through which you would have the option to place your character.


Review about the scores of purity tests are completely based on somebody and they can’t be cent percent true. They are not pervasive in nature. They may change with person, place, and the way think.

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