What are the best ways to think of ideas for a startup?
This is one question I get asked about most frequently.
I have done one webinar on the same topic. you can view it here.... View More
What are the best ways to think of ideas for a startup?
Look for whatever people need and delivery is broken or the quality of service is pathetic. Look for your broken experiences and convert them into business opportunities Bring technology to address t
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What is the most innovative business model that actually works well for startups?
Usually, the most innovative business model is the one where the primary source of revenue is the actual us... View More
What is the most innovative business model that actually works well for startups?
The most innovative business model is one which brings new efficient concepts to the organization or which powers a new startup with the sole purpose of simplifying the customer needs or finding a bet
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What are the best-kept secrets about startups?
The best-kept secret about any startup is that it is, at its core, just a business but with a highly uncertain future.
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What are the best-kept secrets about startups?
The biggest secret about Startups are that being an entrepreneur is not a GLAMOUROUS title to hold . Startup is a business with a highly uncertain future. But working for the cause which makes people&
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What are the challenges and opportunities for a startup?
In the present age of accessibilities provided by the internet, Opportunities are adding up daily and also the business categories are also growing, ranging from Saas products to Infomediary and more.
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Why is value-based marketing the future of startups?
The reason why value-based marketing is said to be the future because when our innovative solution solves the problem that our user has been facing for years, there forms trust and loyalty from our us
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What is BulletProof Your Startup?
How to make a startup successful? How to grow an idea to a business?
We at Bulletproof Your Startup helps to do the same.
visit our webiste www.bulletproofyoursta... View More
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How can I raise venture capital for a tech startup?
Read our blog written by Ravi Challu - Startup Coach, Coached 3000+ startups, 42+ years industry experience; Serial entrepreneur; 5+ years deep SM... View More
How can I raise venture capital for a tech startup?
One of the best proven ways to get the very first investor for your idea is by providing an extra ordinary business pitch which clearly mention the possible business opportunities and strategies. Anot
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Can Indian startups break Google and Facebook’s domination?
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Can Indian startups break Google and Facebook’s dominance?
The key concern to end the dominance of Google and Facebook is to disrupt people's daily use of social media by thinking about what they need from those media platforms. China is really a good ex
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