The captain of India National cricket team Virat Kohli disclosed that he would be opening innings for Royal Challengers Bangalore in IPL 2021. Speaking to Cricbuzz, Joy Bhattacharya said that this might be a hit from Kohli to Indian selectors.Kohli Sending a HintRoyal Challengers Bangalore posted on social media, “Virat Kohli confirms he will be opening the batting for the Royal Challengers Bangalore in the IPL this season 🤩ðŸ#INDvENG #INDvsENG #IPL #IPL2021 #RCB.†Virat Kohli has opened in 61 IPL innings so far and scored over 2300 runs at an average of 47.86, striking at 140.17. The numbers give a clear indication that Kohli loves opening. During India’s last match against England, Kohli was seen opening too with Rohit Sharma. He remained unbeaten with 80 runs and later revealed that he would love to continue with the role.
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