Krishna Brass Statue in Tribhanga Fluting Under the Magnificent Tree @exoticindiaartThe Hindu deity, Bhagwan Krishna is famous for his naughty leelas with Radha and other gopis of Gokul, the intense charm of his face, and the Madhur (melodious) tunes arousing from his flute. This Krishna Brass Sculpture depicts him as standing on a rectangular thick brass block etched in a realistic stone-like pattern. He is postured in his iconic tribhanga posture with the left leg bent forward and right is straight supported by the pedestal. He is clad in a lavish ankle-length dhoti decorated with jeweled horizontal lines and amazing designs in-between every parallel line and a stole hung across his shoulders.Krishna Brass Statues: Statues: Statues: God: Art: #krishnastatue #sculptures #tribhangasculpture #brassstatue #krishnabrassstatue #hindugod #flutingkrishna #indianart
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