Exotic India Art
on January 6, 2022
Large Superfine Krishna with Dashavatara Aureole Wooden Statue
The exquisite beauty and charm of Lord Krishna is perfectly depicted in this Lord Krishna wooden sculpture. He is one of the most loved gods, famous for his naughty leelas and that innate nature of protection, compassion and love.
Suprfine Krishna: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/product/sculptures/large-superfine-krishna-with-dashavatara-aureole-zep033/
Lord krishna: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/hindu/krishna/
Hindu God: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/hindu/
Sculptures: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/
Indian Art: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/
#indianart #lordkrishna #krishnastatue #statues #sculpture #woodenkrishna #woodenstatue #superfinestatue #krishna #flutingkrishna #woodensculpture #lordkrishna #hindugod #woodenkrishnastatue #tribhangakrishnastatue #largekrishnastatue #homedecor #hindugod #hindu #kanhamurti #krishnaidol
Dimension: 1080 x 1080
File Size: 164.97 Kb
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