Large Goddess Kali Brass Statue @exoticindiaart
This distinctive Hindu Goddess has no equal in ferocity, bloodlust, and beauty. Armed with a formidable multitude of weapons and clad in nothing but the heads of the enemies She has severed, the Goddess Kali is most recognizable by the bloodied tongue she reveals, the figure of Lord Shiva (Her husband) lying beneath her feet, and the black of Her complexion symbolic of the all-absorbing aspect of Her nature.
Kali Brass Statue:
Kali Statues:
Hindu Goddess:
Indian Art:
#indianart #kalistatue #kalisculpture #goddesskali #hindugoddess #kali #kaliidol #goddessstatue #brassstatue #brasskali #brasssculpture #statues #sculptures #handmade #handmadestatue #largestatue #largekalistatue
In Album: Exotic India Art's Timeline Photos
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108.1 Kb