What is Enmeshment Trauma?Enmeshment trauma is a childhood emotional trauma that occurs when a child’s emotional needs are not met, and they are instead expected to meet the emotional needs of their parents or caregivers. This can happen in several ways, such as when:A child is emotionally parentified, meaning they are expected to take care of their parents’ emotional needs.A child is used as a confidant for their parents’ adult problems.A child is expected to be their parents’ best friend and have no other close relationships.A child is discouraged from developing their interests and identity.A child may feel compelled to meet a parent’s emotional needs, sacrificing their autonomy and development. This can manifest in various ways, such as a lack of privacy, emotional manipulation, or difficulty distinguishing one’s thoughts and feelings from those of other family members. Over time, enmeshment trauma can lead to challenges in forming healthy relationships outside the family and hinder individual development. Therapy and self-awareness are crucial for addressing enmeshment trauma, helping individuals regain their sense of self, and establishing healthier boundaries within their family and personal relationships.READ HERE: https://innermasteryhub.com/enmeshment-trauma-causes-effects-and-healing/
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