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Research shows that operational efficiency, remote work experience and greater partnership with business executives will be the IT priorities.
Can you tell what your company's IT priorities will be when the coronavirus pandemic has stabilized? The COVID-19 brought a scale crisis for many organizations, but for many CIOs and managers of the area, the first decisive action was the home office .
However, remote work presented two types of companies: those that had policies and infrastructures to implement this model and those that did not. And we know well that a crisis does not announce a date, making it impossible for leaders to plan ahead.
In April this year, IDG Research conducted the COVID-19 Impact Study with 414 IT executives, managers and professionals in the field. The report sought to understand how the pandemic has affected the roles and priorities of these leaders and the long-term effects.
Read more: How to Become a Virtual Assistant?
According to the survey, most budgets will either remain stable or increase over the next 12 months. Respondents also hope to place a greater emphasis on operational efficiency, expense management and cost control. While commercial collaboration, hiring and training will be in the background in the coming months.
The website did an analysis of the research and provided examples of companies that are already planning for a post-pandemic future.
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The best known among the examples of what cloud computing is is SaaS . The acronym goes back to the concept in English: Software as a service . In this model, the user has access to applications without having to buy licenses, since the payment is charged according to the volume of use or the functionalities acquired.
Still don't understand what SaaS is ? In other words, it is an on-demand model where you pay for the application or the most available resources as long as they are useful to you.
An example of this is Microsoft's Skype . In it, the user can use the basic features of video calls for free. To do this, just have an email registered in a Microsoft account.
However, to use corporate features like group video conferencing and other services, you pay a specific amount for each additional feature for how long you use it.
Another example within this SaaS model is Google Drive . In it, in a similar way, the user has a free service referring to a reduced amount of cloud storage space.
Find more: LAN vs WAN: Which Network is Right for You?
The user can also hire paid corporate services with more resources and more storage space.
The advantage of this modality is that there is no need to purchase lifetime software licenses or concerns about hardware compatibility or upgrades.
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With the high cost of absenteeism for companies, which can cost billions of dollars a year, retail, according to the consultancy, is particularly dependent on face-to-face interactions between customers and store employees, "something that covid-19 has made especially challenging. . "
According to Bain, about 88% of global retailers prefer to work with extra workforce than risk running out of staff. This approach leads to high labor costs and lower profits.
For the consultancy, what can solve the situation are the technologies of workforce management, substantially increasing the agility and responding to the peaks of activity and employee absenteeism which, according to Bain, would improve the companies' operational performance and profitability .
Health data
The big data market in healthcare is expected to reach almost 70 billion dollars in 2025 - almost six times higher than in 2016, when it was 11.5 billion dollars. Driven by the covid-19 pandemic, the rapid acceleration of health data collection offers the sector an unprecedented opportunity to leverage and deploy innovative digital resources, such as AI, to improve treatment.
"The intelligent use of health data has the potential to dramatically improve patient care," says Bain.
Computer networks can have different designs, with the two basic forms being client/server and peer-to-peer networks.
The new HR
The human resources area has been growing in recent years and estimates indicate that, in 2025, millennials will be responsible for 3/4 of the global workforce.
With the entry of more people of this generation into the job market, organizations will need to work with an increasingly digital group, modernizing recruitment.
"Using technology to develop an innovative hiring process can improve the performance of HR teams and allow faster identification of the most promising candidates, while meeting the expectations of a new generation of talent," says Bain & Company .
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Cyber ​​attacks are actions performed by criminals, who use network vulnerabilities to attack and steal data. Data that is allowed, and which are the main ones stolen, that cause great damage to the company.
In 1971, the first computer worm was created , displaying the words "I am the Creeper: catch me if you can" the threat that paved the way for viruses and cyber attacks that have made headlines in recent years.
The year 2020 was marked by an explosion of cyber attacks. A 400% increase in the number of attacks recorded, according to Next Generation data .
Since one of the ways to prevent and keep a company safe is by knowing the threats, let's take a look at some cyber attacks.
A virus is a program or code used to damage your computer, corrupt system files and destroy data. The virus remains inactive on the machine until it is executed, that is, it is necessary to run the infected program to infect the computer.
From there, it can infect other computers on the network, steal passwords and data, corrupt files, forward spam to e-mail contacts, or even control the computer.
Worms are older than viruses, they remained in fashion until the late 90s , arriving as message attachments. One person had to open an e-mail and the whole company was infected in a short time.
Its differential is its ability to spread without action by the end user, unlike viruses, which require action by the user.
A common adware program redirects searches from a user's browser to web pages with seemingly harmless product promotions.
The purpose of this type of attack is to obtain useful information from users such as: the location, details of access passwords (passwords) and IP addresses of the computer or electronic mail.
A network engineer is a technology professional who has the necessary skills to plan, implement and oversee the computer networks that support in-house voice, data, video and wireless network services.
Also known as " digital hijacker ", ransomware is software that infiltrates a machine, encrypts system data after installation and blocks users from accessing it.
Once executed, the attacker asks for a ransom for the victim, usually done in bitcoin , which is a cryptocurrency.
The ransomware is one of the types of attacks that occur more in Brazil, second in number of global ransomware attacks. The data are from Trend Micro's Smart Protection Network survey .
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Focusing on the implementation of the project itself and also on the type of infrastructure in which the business should invest, without a doubt, the most correct option is to choose structured cabling.
In practice, it is through it that it will be possible to connect the most diverse devices: routers, printers, telephones, stations, servers, among others.
This connectivity makes a company's work much easier, keeping its operation more and more optimized.
In reality, the logic of this is even something simple, because, opting for this type of resource, the sharing of data among all employees of the business becomes much easier. That is, access to information will not be a problem!
Learn about some of the benefits of having structured cabling in the infrastructure for network design of a company.
Network engineering might be considered third. Computer engineers may choose among various degrees, thus forming the exact set of skills they wish to perfect.
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Increasing the load on your Linux servers can be a good idea if you want to see how well they perform when they are loaded. In this article, we'll take a look at some tools to help you load your server and evaluate the results.
Why do you need to stress your Linux system? Because sometimes you may need to know how the system will behave when it is under a lot of pressure due to the large number of running processes, heavy network traffic, excessive memory usage, etc. This type of testing allows you to make sure that the system is ready for use.
If you need to predict how long it will take for applications to respond and which processes might fail or run slowly under heavy load, stress testing ahead of time is a very good idea.
Luckily for those who need to know how a Linux system will respond to stress, there are several helpful methods you can use, and there are tools you can use to make the process easier. In this article, we will look at several options.
It is a methodical, disciplined approach to the design, realization, and technical management. At the core, Systems Engineer helps in the coordination of different teams, testing, and evaluation for the development of design and its implementation for the best output.
The systems engineer will often work together with a project manager and the engineering crew and becomes the primary point of communication to interlink between the two to simplify the accomplishment of a successful system.Â
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With technological advances and all the possibilities of connectivity that it provides, organizations had to change the way they do business, as well as their systems and processes had to adapt to this new scenario. Increased online interaction allows employees to work remotely or your company to communicate with branch offices anywhere in the world, anytime. Information circulates all the time, with great agility, and this dynamism calls into question the security of systems and the infrastructure of organizations, which may be more vulnerable to threats.
According to the SMB IT Security Report survey , the biggest fear of companies concerns network security. The main reasons mentioned were: budget restrictions (47%) and limited time to research and understand new threats (37%). Of the organizations interviewed that suffered attacks in the last year, 33% were phishing, 27% malware and 15% ransomware.
But how to protect your company, your information and customer data and, at the same time, have agility and efficiency of work, taking advantage of the speed and convenience of the internet?
Prevent threats and anticipate problems!
Being exposed to possible system failures can become a threat to your company. Often, the security breach is in the routine actions of employees, such as clicking a link or opening an email infected by a weak or ineffective security infrastructure for certain threats.
To prevent major losses and headaches and keep your company protected, different protection software and specific care are needed, as these threats transform and adapt easily to shields, and each of them has its peculiarities. To help you, in this article, we have put together some protection tools that cover the main threats to which your network may be exposed.
Check out the main security solutions that help protect your company:
Antivirus and Firewall
These two security software are the best known and used by companies and users. Antivirus works for endpoint security, that is, protecting PCs, servers, notebooks and mobile devices against malware attacks, ransomware and information theft.
It identifies digital threats within an IT infrastructure, monitoring actions in search of possible infected files or programs, as well as devices where data has been exchanged, such as flash drives or smartphones, in addition to identifying unusual access attempts. It basically works in three actions:
Detection: locating the infected file or program.
Identification: recognizing the type of virus that is in the system.
Removal: removing the infected file and all its remains and restoring the infected file or program through an original infection-free backup.
The firewall, on the other hand, protects the network as a barrier for incoming traffic to the system, preventing malicious actions, such as cyber attacks. It is a system aimed at analyzing network security, monitoring all existing connections in search of data packets that can carry any type of malicious code. It prevents the network from being accessed by third parties and, at the same time, it is able to block the connection to pages or servers that have malicious codes and that are molded for data theft.
Network and Data Center Security
Even with the use of efficient antivirus and firewall to protect your network, it is important to continue to be careful with actions that can open loopholes for threats to invade your company. In this scenario, employees have an immense responsibility. It is essential that they are instructed to identify strange activities and not fall for scams.
See more about the engineering salary.
It is also important to protect and control navigation with tools that prevent access to harmful sites and restrict some types of content that present the greatest risks, such as download sites, games, violence and pornography. Another tip is, if possible, to create individual logins for each user on the wi-fi network to prevent the entry of harmful agents.
In addition, as we have already said, threats adapt to defenses and quickly manage to bypass shields. So it is vital for your security that your systems are always ahead of threats. So, do not neglect the maintenance and updating of all protection software and the constant backup of data centers.
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An engineering career can offer several fantastic job advantages, including high levels of job satisfaction, financial security and an excellent job outlook. But what does it really take to reach the top of the Engineering market?
Engineering is also an extremely diverse and evolving field that offers a wide range of exciting job functions.
And the best part is that, today, it is possible to focus on studies online, since the market is concerned with meeting the demand of students in different areas.
top of the engineering market
Today, we can find everything from a distance education course to an Engineering degree. That is, it is easier to get your training.
Qualified engineers are in high demand and may choose to specialize in many fields, including civil engineering, electrical engineering and computer engineering, to name a few.
For these reasons, an increasing number of students are choosing to study engineering in the hope of entering this area.
You can pursue a career both working for companies and investing in your own business.
The role of a virtual assistant is a career path that is very much tied to the rise of digital media and its significant role within the modern world of work and business.
However, even if you choose the second option, it is very important to know how to become a successful professional in the field.
After all, in addition to knowing about issues related to business success - such as finance, how to undertake in crisis , generating customers, etc. - standing out in the market will make all the difference for the growth of your engineering company.
If you are thinking of pursuing a career in engineering, read on and check out some tips to get to the top of the engineering market!
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Industrial automation is based on operational technologies (OT) such as programmable logic controllers (PLC), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), and distributed control systems (DCS). These systems are usually inflexible and do not allow easy reconfiguration. This is a significant barrier to the deployment of new automation technologies in manufacturing (for example, installing a 3D printer as part of a manufacturing process), as well as changing the configuration of industrial processes (for example, adjusting the output of a production line). IIoT facilitates the convergence of OT with IT and allows industrial automation processes to be reconfigured based on digital tools in a shorter time frame (for example, hours rather than weeks). Instead of reconfiguring complex OT systems, machine and tool configurations take place at the digital level of the IIoT system. Consequently, IIoT deployments are widely used to support mass production models in a faster and more cost effective manner.
Most industrial organizations service their equipment on a regular basis. However, prevention is often carried out earlier than required, resulting in suboptimal overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). To optimize OEE, enterprises are moving to predictive maintenance. With predictive maintenance, machines can predict their failures by accurately calculating parameters such as end of life (EoL) and mean time to failure (MTTF). IIoT technologies collect and consolidate datasets of equipment health such as vibration data, acoustic data, ultrasound data, thermal imaging data, oil analysis data, and more. By improving the efficiency of high-value equipment, industrial organizations see a direct ROI on IIoT investments.
Regardless of the area they work in, IT support specialist job description will require strong analytical skills, along with familiarity with different operating systems, such as Windows, macOS or Linux, and proficiency in one or more programming languages.
IIoT and BigData technologies allow the collection of extensive data about industrial processes, which leads to accurate identification of quality problems at different times. For example, digital data on a production line can be collected and used to identify problems and inefficiencies while recommending corrective actions. This allows for quality management disciplines such as Total Quality Management (TQM) and ZDM (Zero Defect Manufacturing). While TQM and ZDM have been around for over two decades, it is the emergence of Industry 4.0 that enables them to be implemented reliably and cost-effectively.
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Trainee translated into Portuguese to say "training", ie, companies define as a candidate who is almost forming, or most of the time is a newly formed and is seeking placement opportunities in the labor market .
However, this type of “position†can be mistaken as an internship, but it is totally different. Because, companies have a program that involves various types of training and courses for people who are already trained in the area.
Source: Emily Ranquist
In other words, the hired person will be trained by the company in question for a period that goes from 1 to 2 years, receiving a compatible salary, and with the objective of future these employees to occupy great positions, as a manager for example. Therefore, the institutions seek young professionals with a lot of potential to bring results.
I want to be a trainee engineer, now what?
First of all, I’ll start by telling you that it’s not an easy process ! Especially because it is a position that many young graduates dream of having. In this way, I will explain a little how the selection processes for this type of program work in general.
Generally, companies receive thousands of applications for the process, and it all starts with screening these resumes based on the profile of the person they are looking for. Subsequently, registrants undergo online tests that are behavioral, growth mentality and tenacity . Below are more specified what the tests are:
Know more about the computer networks.
Specific knowledge;
Knowledge of languages;
Technical knowledge
Paleographic test ;
Concentrated Attention (CA);
QUATI (Typographic Evaluation Questionnaire);
IQ test;
Inventory of social skills;
Zulliger test in the comprehensive system;
Logical reasoning;
Non-verbal intelligence test;
IFP (factorial personality inventory);
Noting that not all of these tests are applied, however, they are some examples of those made by candidates, everything will depend on the company and the vacancy.
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