April 18, 2020
Category: Travel and 5 others
Cairo is the largest city not only of Egypt, but of the entire African continent, the borders of which came close to the great pyramids of Giza - the only one of the Seven Wonders of the World that has survived to this day. The mysterious sphinx and mysterious pyramids preserving the spirit of eternity have become a symbol of Egypt and a tourist mecca.
Cairo Museum - the main world treasury of Egyptian antiquities, the age of unique exhibits totals more than two thousand years. A visit to the museum is an unforgettable meeting with the history of an ancient state, represented by unique works of architecture and art - silent witnesses of the glory and power of great civilizations.
The perfumery museum with its bewitching smells, a market of craftsmen Khan el-Khalili, offering a great variety of souvenirs, is always popular among visitors to Cairo.
Luxor (ancient Thebes) is the world's largest open-air museum, where the legends and legends of ancient Egypt come to life. The city of the dead, the valley of the Pharaohs, the colossi of Memnon, the temple of Queen Hasepsut, in which the opera Aida is annually held, Karnak and Luxor churches are fascinating with grandeur and grandeur.
Having plunged to a 25-meter depth in the Sinbad submarine, you can enjoy the magnificent spectacle of the underwater world of the Red Sea. The variety of forms and the riot of colors of the countless inhabitants of the deep sea delights with the uniqueness of this fantastic spectacle.
CORAL Islands
A sea voyage on a pleasure boat to the coral islands remains one of the most popular among true connoisseurs of the underwater kingdom. Fancy corals, huge tropical fish, colorful mollusks never cease to amaze every time even experienced divers. And how wonderful after such an immersion to treat yourself to a delicious dinner prepared right on the ship.
As if embodied in living pictures from the tales of Scheherazade and eastern legends, the magnificent processions of the pharaohs of Egypt appear before the gaze of an amazed spectator, importantly walking camels, riders demonstrating the wonders of horseback riding on Arabian horses, the incendiary belly dance performed by the oriental beauty excites the blood.
One of the most visited biblical places in Egypt is Mount Moses, climbed by dozens of pilgrims every night.
To meet the dawn on the peak, which is located at an altitude of 2285 m above sea level, the rise begins in the dark, because 3750 steps must be overcome. But such an ascent should be done for the sake of an indescribable delight from the contemplation of what he saw and spiritual cleansing, which is felt by everyone who meets here morning.
At the top of the mountain, named after the biblical prophet, stands the chapel of the Holy Trinity, which stores ancient frescoes and mosaics. This is a sacred place for all Christians - here God gave Moses ten commandments written on tablets of stone. At the foot of Mount Moses, among the rocks, it resembles an impregnable fortress - the Orthodox monastery of St. Catherine.
The monastery, located near the mountain of Moses, is named in honor of St. Catherine, who took the martyrdom for the Christian faith. In two golden caskets, next to the marble donor, a part of the relics of the martyr is stored.
This is a place of traditional pilgrimage for believers, where a rich collection of unique icons, ancient books, bells, church utensils is collected. On the territory of the monastery there is a legendary shrine - the burning bush - the thorn bush, from the flame of which the Lord appeared before Moses and ordered him to bring the sons of Israel out of Egyptian captivity. Neither time, nor natural disasters, nor wars have power over the place of sacred action from the Old Testament.
Egypt's first national reserve, located in the very south of the Sinai Peninsula, has gained worldwide fame thanks to the amazing research of Cousteau, who devoted a number of his expeditions to the study of a unique place.
Scuba diving into the magical world of one of the most beautiful coral reefs on earth will give unforgettable impressions and amazing discoveries. There is even a Gulf of Desires, according to legend, having plunged into the waters of which, all that has been fulfilled is fulfilled.
Since Ras Mohammed is a nature reserve, the rules for staying here are strict: night parking for ships, diving in gloves is prohibited; and of course, you can’t take anything with you as a souvenir. Not only underwater beauty is admired here. Mangrove trees of the conservation area, growing right in the sea, give shelter to numerous flocks of migratory birds on their long journey from Europe to Africa.
150 km from Sharm el-Sheikh, near the city of Nuweiba, there is a unique miracle created by nature itself. The ancient canyon owes its origin to an earthquake, which entailed a break in the earth's crust, sand storms and rains that once fell here in abundance.
Thousands of enthusiastic tourists do not cease to admire this outlandish phenomenon, painted by natural fantasy with bizarre multi-colored patterns that resemble a fairy tale.
Traveling on a comfortable yacht along the shores of Sharm El Sheikh is invariably popular with tourists visiting Egypt . The sea breeze, the gentle sun, the seagulls behind the stern, the feeling of freshness, the azure sea with its fantastic wealth of the underwater world ... During several stops in the picturesque bays and bays it is so nice to swim, taste a portion of delicious exotic cooked right on board and dream in an idyllic setting to the melodic noise of the waves. Tours to Egypt from Almaty, Nur-Sultan (Astana), Karaganda, Aktau, Atyrau, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Shymkent, etc.
Holidays in Egypt is a dream that will allow you to see a country with a thousand-year history and centuries-old traditions, with an incomparable Red Sea, rich in flora and fauna. Egypt is open for recreation all year round and is famous not only for interesting excursion programs, but also for comfortable relaxation in modern resorts, as well as unforgettable diving.
Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh, Marsa Alam and Dahab are ideal places for recreation and diving and other water sports. Egypt has a third of all the historical monuments of the ancient world! Of course, the Great Pyramids are the hallmark of Egypt. But besides them, you can also visit Luxor - an open-air museum city, ancient Coptic monasteries, stunning mosques, the National Museum in Cairo, a giant dam in Aswan, a quad bike safari, a Nile cruise. For arranging best Egypt tours you can contact local tour operator.