There are a number of ways to spot potential windows of time for career advancement in the future when considering predictive Astrology and the natal chart of a person who is very driven and focussed on their work. Looking at transits to career houses is one and here I will outline some of these.
The 10th House
The 10th house is the career house of the natal chart so it makes sense that any planet moving through this house via transit will potentially show up in a person’s life as a caree...
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Here you will find a list of some (but not all) of the greatest relationship aspects in Astrology and what they can mean in real terms for both people involved.
Sun conjunct Moon
Sun conjunct Moon is a Synastry aspect that is likely to increase mutual attraction and understanding at an instinctual level between two people. The two may simply feel that they ‘get’ one another and as a result of this experience a heightened level of comfort within the relationship.
The Sun person may feel...